Hey everyone! How is everyone doing? Hopefully well? I do apologize for it being a day late but we had a busy day yesterday. Not much happened...
^ exactly. We dont want this to happen again.
It isnt dead sp33d. I simply forgot to add it to a 3 day late mym week post. Pixelmon is still very much in consideration. Just a lot of thought,...
If you wish to make this an actual suggestion id say best to make a new suggestion purely for this. Not try to put it in an already decided suggestion
Its been accepted already
Not much was done this week. Been a slow one
Oops. Forgot forum suggestions XP Editing now
Hey guys! CanadaBunny here! Me and El apologize for the extremely long wait for this post. We can't give excuses just hope you can forgive us for...
My only real issue with this Red is while it may not affect you in sp or other servers. MyM uses a completely different system. To expand an...
Was supposed to be done by el this week. I can add it in tmr
@SirWill if this could be changed/implemented
I think you mistake hanovers statement as towards player loadtimes and ram usage. I believe he means server resources and performance
Was said before next update would be in december.
I dont kidnap. I drive by ban
They were mean! They accused me of kidnapping!
Basian we do apologize but we are denying this suggestion for a few reasons. The main reason being it breaks the rules we have had set for 5-6...
Consultants still have ingame perms. Not sure to what exact level but as far as i remember they have ingame admin perms
If there was proper plugin support IE: Sponge Then yes it would be considered
Hey guys! Our first pack that needs community suggestion on if we should add it to MyM. For this it's a bit of an oldie but a goodie. GT New...
Modpack Name: Glacial Awakening Modpack Description: Glacial Awakening is a unique questing pack where you start locked away in a pitch-black 3x3...
Separate names with a comma.