I have a cactus wall even with the sandstorms going on
vote here :D Open - Remove sandtorms *if possible* | MineYourMind Community
Hello, I've been playing for a couple of days in the stranded server and this is starting to annoy me, every so often comes a sandstorm and I stop...
Something went wrong then, cause you should, for example have the yellow border. I've donated many times and never had any issues
Patron and other ranks only get updated every 15 minutes, could that be it?
Go to a bank and get a loan Kappa
Tim, there's equal opportunity here lol everyone can get the rank xD Plus it's just a couple of days...
ahhhh, I tried exploring them but didn't find anything, ty :)
I just noticed the image I put there didn't get properly removed, it's completely unrelated.
Supposedly, in the quest book, you're supposed to be given coords to a city where you can find the smeltery to progress, but there's nothing at...
Does anyone know a mod (and version) like fastcraft I can add to that I can get over 3 FPS? :D tyvm
I don't think that'll be a good idea, cause then ppl might get confused about the whole color coding (especially if new colours are added in the...
I think this is a really good idea :) I was just wondering what exactly are vote tokens ^^
Appeal here https://mineyourmind.net/forum/categories/private-complain-ban-appeal-bugs-section.187/
Oh... [ATTACH] Is there somewhere I can see more details about this? I don't recall breaking anything except looting bookshelves from vilages......
I was trying to join the server and this happened multiple times (even after restarting the client). [ATTACH] Do I need to update something? The...
Minecraft is a game full of bugs, modded minecraft is even worse! It's sad that you can't cope with the fact that dying is part of this game....
Welp, I'm sad to inform about stability but I'm pretty sure I just crashed the server, I tried automating copper plates (Ic2 hammer+coppper ingot)...
It's settled then :P PS: maybe add a "Healing buildings don't count" in the warning to avoid future miss interpretations? thank you for thank you...
Title :P Cords are: 2273, 72, -3260 As warning tell, you're not allowed to claim important structures and this person claimed a healer center...
Separate names with a comma.