I'm still crashing on log in... As you can see here, there's a fluid cow in the entity list ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Hey, that...
I did go to the deep dark but I explored and left...
PS: I've tried to log in multiple times and forcing an update on the modpack
This morning I was playing everything was fine, I stopped for a few hours and now whenever I try to log in the server I crash... ---- Minecraft...
Me and Rubijox were farming in a temple and a mob that emits a beam was invisible. He was immune to melee attacks but died with a bow. Normaly you...
"I died so he hacks/cheats". Take your death gracefully. I already explained Spowart how I did it. I used the modpack's items which I got legit....
Today I was exploring, I finally found the biome I wanted but when I stopped flying around with my air sigil, opened my inventory and went out of...
This happened to me as well, there are invulnerable mobs (they hit you, don't get scanned by wailla and can't be hit with melee). The only way I...
Usually when a lot of players are on a server it hits a mob cap, to prevent server stress from handling many entities, so the pixons don't spawn...
I chose anarchy because there are mods that can protect your stuff, the only thing I'd consider adding is a protection plugin for new people for...
Nice :)
I've noticed that happening when I was looking into my smeltery (outputing metals) from another chunk (smeltery is almost at the border) and it...
I think MyM's for fly is a good idea :p (just make it expensive 3:D) I think it would draw people more to the market and voting
@Slind this is why I think this is the best network I've ever seen *.* It works now :'D I'm so happy ^^ Gyazo - 4cb27919c72021fdcf139dab18194364.png
I checked before making the post :p Gyazo - de4250345fe5891ecf1f05592b852b0e.png
Deleted, reinstalled, same error
yes, multiple timessomething I failed to mention is that if I have magnetcraft on the mods folder, the game doesnt even get to the "Single Player,...
I'm kinda stuck here... this is what happened after I tried to launch (on MyM launcher) the pack Gyazo - 3a4439250df79aa79697a804acba29d1.png I...
I really like thaumcraft and I've completed it many times and I was curious about this modpack so i'm applying :)
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