The admins apparantly dont think it´s a shame to lose 6 people from the server. I will be missing alot of the people on the server.
yeah. 6 people banned in a mass ban due to duping association which to me looks like it was from reclaiming duped items of an abandoned base......
It dosent matter anymore, i have been permabanned sooo yeah. did an appeal and still waiting for the staff to solve it
Howdy. I´m banned now for one of my teammates duping. or whatever found in the base
Thaumium fortress armor or void thaumaturge are pretty nice as well.
I dont have teamspeak
can you come on and show me
Several things, trying to set up a setup to auto craft cryotheum and pyrotheum dust
That dosent work for stuff that needs more than 1 item or else you will end up having to use like 6 export buses
Isn´t AE2 open source? cause if it is then its slightly easier cause it could be uploaded serverside to the server
Could yo ucome on the server at some point and show me? Also wouldn´t the staff be able to change some code in the craf6ting cards to fix or...
Considering AE2 crafting cards are banned on crackpack and probably other modpacks I´m wondering if there´s something else that can replicate the...
Nvm i derped.
I am trying to build an arcane assmebler but i can´t due to it requiring a silverwood scepter with an metadata of "2" but the ones you get from...
Yes it was resolved. I completely forgot the thread was still here. Anyways it can be closed now
Still getting the error Edit : This makes me think that its something with my charecter itself and not my items. You moved everything i have to a...
I also agree on the part of the mob limit being too low not to mention if you are using something like thaumcraft you can lose your golems when...
Considering my base is unclaimed at the current moment it would be nice if someone could solve this issue.
The problem is I´m not getting any kind of errors, it just disconnects me with no crash logs. Can you maybe try and move my player to spawn to see...
Separate names with a comma.