Since the Infinity Severs only have 36 max slots (without donor) its kinda difficult to get in during the daytime, could these be expanded anytime...
Hi, i wanted to go grind some End Shards in the end, but there are peaceful tables everywhere! and literally no enderman are spawning, fix? EDIT...
Hi, Whenever i login i get a crash, this started happening when i ate some mana beans, Help? Crash Log: [spoiler]
So, i spawned a ton of villagers at my base, so i decided to make a mob magnet, and i bound it to a v=modded villager, but when i used it i died...
I hate it when people block of there portals like this, right now im stuck inside a portal with no where to go, someone HELP
I was doing some bees, and i realize my biome was desert, so I go to change it and i switch it to jungle and i check F3 and nothing happens\...
Hi, I was trying to finish the stained glass challenge then i ran to the fact of making white ceramic dye... but i cant because the porcielian...
Hi, I was doing trading that day and I had a few people over but then I had 1 person who "stuck" around for awhile and I afked for a bit, not...
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