Do we know if there leaving the haunted towers and the pixlemon spawners active in this new pack??
the 1TH ? what number is that lolid like to be either the fire/volcano leader or part of the elite 4 xD
yeah was just an example you know lol =)
this is exactly what i told recal when we were talking about this. and as for the pokemon the "fire gym pokemon" are givin to the gym leader and...
Yeah i mean i think it would be a good addition to add in. But i mean all that can be done after its been open to the public right??
Whats the safari zone going to offer in this pack? Like 1 of every biome or something?
thanks =) appreciate your input.
Gather round people the adventure is about to start!!!
ermagawd its almost time to start anew people.
lol you need to chill man your sounding a bit demanding there. they are working on stuff to give us a better playing experience and like they said...
yeah but unless the server keeps at least 2-3 legandarys n a few shinys in there no one will use it as the only things of real value are legands n...
other pixlemon servers i have been on the gyms were maned by real players as you can see i myself was once the head fire gym leader on another...
iv seen it tis cutes a a button hahahahaAlso is there a way to add a "buy Vote" as i know that our myms and claimblocks wont be coming with us to...
i would like to know this too please xD
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