It would be more helpful if you would paste this to pastebin like the wiki asks.
I hope so, also you have an incomming ticket about something else right soon :D
works in single player no problem, then again i also have all the spell stuff available to me there as well as the server config and my config are...
The rest don't work at all, the air one who is another stupid easy summon just flat out failed to do anything when the ritual was done (i even...
I would imagine that would hold true to any of the servers as the market plug-in would be the same everywhere ya/no? This was a good thread to...
@Founder @Administrator I closed a ticket semi related to this topic to bring it here for public viewing, on modsauce we can only summon 1 ars...
See if you can get something from the debug window (messages and errors if you are using the mym launcher) and post it to pastebin for us so maybe...
soul shards are kind of useless when you can just fart out a safari net and get your mobs for spawning that way (if its the soul shards i'm...
Yeah i think a full on investigation is in order here cause damn this is harsh lol, also normally ejim and I are the only 2 on this late we had a...
players count as monsters in that situation, i would also have to keep quiet while i did my thing over letting people visit (its not always easy...
I've just stopped going to the moon for the moment, there isn't much on the rest of the places for me to go there.And tabby chat still causes the...
If i ever get to that pack i might just have to, would likely take me a while longer while i work on properly making the place monster proof.
He died in the same place like 5 or so times and the name of the plot owner is not one i reconize as being active at all, as for his coords and...
[IMG] Form and function all in one WIP package.
this should have been put in the modsauce support section but yeah he does legitly need the help to get his stuff back
I think we are stuck on the progression stuff cause it needs a reset after it was turned off (some things have a memory for previous settings like...
i would just use any empty one personally
They have a teamspeak server up already.
I just checked this and it freezes hardcore, the only way out is to close the viewer and restart.
is all good, bit of a bummer about the config thing making play time limited to nonexistant for the school goers
Separate names with a comma.