Hello, I made my first video of minecraft and MYM Heres my video, i hope you enjoy [MEDIA]
When you get the awakened pick and mine the bedrock with it, go to the bedrock dimension you start in that room you cant get out of that room
*The server is infinity evolved expert 3 SA* Why does the infinity evolved expert 3 SA dont have TC Inventory scanner as it was added to infinity...
Does the reviews still like work because i made a review and i havent got my credits its been like over 15 hours
Soo I get to the final quest and it should give me a achievement book but it dosent
When you guys fix the AE bug, Its been days now
Hello, I made a sphax texturepack for this and i want to share this with you guys [SPOILER] And ill try to make other sizes too for you guys
I cant make tickets but where i was Oh yea Im corrupted in my base in Ferret Business
Why is there no status of Ferret Business Progress
Cant find the crash file
Node: 3 Structure: Eldritch obelisk Coords: X: -1369 Y: 76 Z: 3075 Owner: Spongario Extra Thing: theres my open eyes on it
Can you reset the End on the n3? Because its raided alot and ugly The Modpack is infinity
Theres a bug in ranks for me or more people has it. like i have played 32h and i should have viking and alchemist if i watch in the mym ranks...
Did the farmworld got reseted or someone stole my ender quarry because when i try to link book to there i crash and my ender quarry ender chest...
Separate names with a comma.