There is a continuum style recipe in JEI that seems to not work. Posting on forum instead of making a ticket so if other encounter this issue they...
Every time i use a reward bag now the bag is consumed but the gui doesn't open nor do i receive any items. whats going on?
Im just saying i would rather not be in the position that the temptation to use such a command would exist because someone on the server bought it...
If i wanted god mode or free /fly i would buy it as im not in a position that i couldnt afford it. the thing is i Dont want it as simply getting...
Well if you think about it using such a command might not affect other players on a pve server but it does deprive the user of a large part of the...
Honestly i see no reason any player needs godmode, fly, or any other perk that offers an advantage over others. Most modpacks have items in them...
It works on beyond at least. Guess one of beyonds oddball mods adds it
The item and then the corresponding color vanilla mc dye such as lapis for blue ect. In an anvil ofc
in 1.10 u can use vanila dyes to change the color of items names
Well, not sure how or why but i launched the pack again to generate a fresh crash report and today it decided to successfully launch. I greatly...
"The RF API that is being used (1.5.0 from (guessing) null) differes from that that is reported as being loaded (1.8.9R1.2.0B1 from...
I've tried doing a hard force update which i though would overwrite the old install and at least let me launch the pack again but even that isn't...
Scratch that it was my machine :/ seems when i updated my launcher it reset my allocated ram. if any other players are having this frame freeze...
Loaded up the Pixelmon 1.10 pack and joined the server but every 5-10 seconds the frame rate freezes. I was so bad that at the start i couldn't...
I'd try taking a revive item like charged whitestone, angelheart vials, or phoenix downs. Angelheart vials are best due to being stackable up to...
If i try to go there again i could die again and on a pack where lives are the most valuable resource i really dont want to risk it. and as for...
Anyway if your room happens to be usable its a bypass for loosing your island as i don't think the room resets.
Using a specter key from random things mod is suppose to teleport you to a 16x16 sealed room that is unique to each player. However, while...
that pretty much defeats the usability of any tinkers construct digging tool
the thing is that it doesn't recognize tinkers shovel tools like excavator, shovel, mattock. So even if you're using the correct tool, if its a...
Separate names with a comma.