Just a side note, il spend more time on crash landing, if the crash repeoduces while im on I may be able to provide some frontline insite as to...
the /kit resource gives 16 pokeballs plus other usefull stuff
ok slind understood thank you
@Mijikai is currently working on bugs before creating the elite 4 but its in the pipeline
...... for now ..... xD
i believe this is more a matter for @Founder s then anyone. i was wondering if it would be possible to have permission (and access) to the MyM...
can the command not be scripted to check your battle state and pop a message saying "this cannot be used in battle" to restrict the use of the...
i also would like to apply for whitelist, as i dont have 24hours, but im sure i can be trusted xD
at anyone time we have around 50-80 people in forums, more then half are usually guests not logged in so cant talk. and statistically 20 of the 30...
we do have an IRC after all, you can open it in a tab and it pings when someone messages
by building above and below your ground floor u have 3 times as much space
alot of people will argue with you over this, for real money u should be OP right? i generally agree with you though, as i have played crash...
Hello sir, Thank you for bringing you issues to our attention. The auto-save feature is a fail-safe used to ensure that the server and your...
very well, i see your point of veiws and agree 80%
this may have already been mentioned but here goes, use google forums for ban-appeal submission and decisions are madE internally by relevant...
Congrats on Mod
Thank you for the response sir
sir its not an assumption, i have worked with mac's. there comparability throws up many issues, there powerful little tools i will not argue, but...
So to clarify, if there is a server crash and that causes me to loose my stuff because some guy just placed a banned block and AG1 Dumps, do i get...
Separate names with a comma.