Not sure if its a problem server side or if someone has gotten a little too enthusiastic, but for the past 1-2 hours the server has been crashing...
i've seen your setup, its slightly disturbing that you call that setup "simple"o_O
hey im just happy if you guys want it to be a thing, i LOVE these kindof things, plus hey it would give you guys even more things to have the...
This may already be a thing i'm not sure, i know these servers are mostly about the modpacks,which is awesome, i love modpacks, but has anyone...
Agrarian Skies 2 is having major timeout issues, almost everyone is getting timeouts and kicked off, and its happening literally every 1-2 minutes...
Would Love to try this out
i found it, in an obscure forum, there was a single program that when uninstalled fixed the issue, some survey program
So my buddy is trying to get onto the launcher to play with me and when he loads it up it comes up with this error,.....
is that the log that comes up when you start the modpack
Dont know, just wanted to bring this issue to the attention of the admins so we can possibly find a solution
uh yeah my bad thats what i ment
So ive been playing on the Tekkit classic server, and the lag is TERRIBLE, as well as the timeouts. I could be wrong but i think its cause so many...
those mods are some of what make that extremely difficult pack what it is lol
is this a differenbt test from the one i was in before?
I was planning to start streaming, was thinking Galactic Science as its an unusual mix up of mods, might be interesting
sweet, ill just stick to playing Hypovolemia for now then! (its great so far)
Ah well ive played around with blood magid, have played running redand such, but i wouldnt say i know it super well, maybe later in the testing?
Something new and exctiting?? i'd love to be in on that
I would LOVE to test this out, looks sweet
its still dead
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