This was fixed a while back.
Marking as done as I haven't heard anymore about this.
Since I saw you in-game. I am marking this as done.
1.18, 1.19, 1.20 Tuned the chat filters so it doesn't catch as many false positives.
Updated pack version to 1.14.1 (Changelog) Fixed an issue with being disconnected on join
Try Hard force update. The modpack then? We NEVER even had 1.0.0 of the Direwolf 20 1.20 version of the modpack on the launcher actually as I am...
Change the way players are kicked from the server before server shutdown on restarts. (Should help fix the shutdown issues with not saving...
Works for for me. What issue are you getting?
FTB Presents Direwolf20 1.20 Server Changelog ModPack Changelog: Feed The Beast - FTB Presents Direwolf20 1.20
[IMG] Server Address: Address: Version: 1.0.1 MYM Launcher - FTB Launcher Direwolf20 1.20 Server Page - Pack Info Launch...
Reset some AE2 grid storage settings to fix memory leak. Might have break and place parts of your system again!
Expanded the world border diameter for all worlds from 10k to 12k Reset all Farmworlds (Link) Fixed some weird chunkloading lag when teleporting...
Try doing this; Go to your %appdata% folder (open up Run and type that in) Go to the .mineyourmind folder then the launcher sub-folder delete...
What does it say on the top left of the launcher when you open it? There should be a version number.
What version on the launcher are you running?
Update pack version to 1.1.1 (Changelog) Increased /rtp cooldown. Tweaked some specific Essentials things. Remember, if you are not using our...
Update pack version to 1.0.9 (Changelog) Fixed an issue where breaking spawners do not spawn mobs. It now does! Remember, if you are not using...
Updated to 1.0.8 (Changelog) Updated some server-side mods
1.18 & 1.19 Made some adjustments to be less strict on not allowing VPNs on the network
Update to 1.0.7 (Changelog) Update server-side mods
Separate names with a comma.