Marking post as done. Please keep all conversation to your ban appeal.
There is currently a modded pvp server called Civilization.
I'm not able to craft this in a station and inside of /wbench it does not even show as a recipe. http://i.imgur.com/Fsswqxx.png
If you have any further issues let us know. Have a nice day :)
What's the error your getting trying to connect to the server?
Hello I'm able to join the server along with other players online are you still having issues connecting?
So rather then making a post after testing and troubleshooting an actual solution you would rather go on about how you could help or that the...
If you truly wanted to help why not find the issues and suggest an update using your version rather then asking if you can help? Because I don't...
So what you're saying is give you full access to console and an admin rank without knowing who you are.. Because you have time on your hands?
So with your argument making a wooden shovel that takes around 15 sec. - 20sec. from joining for the first time is "preying on newbies".
It works as anyother metal but has a timer if you don't craft the tool before a short time limit it turns into "depreciated" then you have to re...
As the table works off there being recipes to create the parts it may be possible to get custom recipes made and that will allow the liquid to...
This is a known bug with extra utilities.
Agree completely and wish more packs would have things like this. Maybe not an annoying glitchy dirt slime, but I always liked the idea behind...
Thanks ProFridge
Happy Birthday!!! :D
Thx fish :)
She has a cookie white list :/
I have saw people on other modded community's drop an item in the middle of a fight and when the other picks it up they crash. :/
Separate names with a comma.