And muffin whispered into his ear, do me proud, like I know you can
In muffins last breathe his said words that shocked the community "The staff are great"
Muffin arrived, after his complete change from the dark side, he gave new life to the modpack with a modpack called DeadMenTellNoTales
But the final straw was when his wife ate her keys, and from that moment, he knew what he had to do
And then, the muffins came. The leader was upset that the UnHoly trinity had been made into a duo that he decided to entice a new player in,...
Pfft, i once saw a guy call the founders frauds so he aint that bad
Lot of anger here XD @HeroIsBoss354 is just feeling salty
They where the most prolific members of the community, they helped and caused chaos, blew up reactors in there base dropping tps to 1. They where...
Do you have them chunk loaded
But then the Muffins, and the Chuggas and the gothics came
They built a glorious network, but it had a problem.
probs 3pm gmt as your in Belgium
sunday at 4pm?
Looks like a crystal of anger or love? Surprised nobody's found the bad stuff in my picture
Not here to judge, just express yourself
Well I believe the Questing Book instead of HQM is what most people are using now as it allows you to even transfer quests from hqm to the mod as...
We often express ourselves through words, so I thought why don't we get our create side on and draw how we feel in the form of art, it can be...
I'm sure he is a lovely person, I don't have an issue with thatAlso I like how you instantly thing I believe I hate lucid like who said it was...
Like I said I've stopped being nice
Separate names with a comma.