I don't think Blutonium is a end-game item, you can even setup a Turbine from Big Reactor without ever made a Reactor with help of MFR. To make...
If you are exactly on top of the grave you should not lose any items.
I have a solution: Magnets
chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell, of knowledge I noticed that the profile of chugga says that but even a 4M Storage Cell can only store 63 items, so...
Why @chugga_fan reply his own thread? Oh wait...
Have you tried with Ender Pearls?
And If you place a Chest you will get a little area protected.
In every report about this, the guy selling the items is UnderworlderLP... a admin should warn him.
Yeah, something is consuming all the memory and making FPS Drop. I checked on the Task Manager and it was consuming 3.5GB. It ussually consume...
Hello, here Tiani the owner of the "island". Most probably I caused the bug because I was the only one connected on that moment, I was building a...
But that's dead
Nop, only one task. I will do some testing in singleplayer and report back. EDIT: I'm back, now I know what is happening. You need to do the...
I got the same problem, I tough you need to complete first the "Power Production" Line and then continue with the "Power Storage" Line, but it has...
Yeah, I was scanning things in my inventory when I crashed.
Here is the crash report, thank you for your help. [MEDIA]
I'm stuck in the Nether, I don't know what happened but from 29-31 FPS I fell down to 0-1 FPS and crashed. Now everytime I try to enter the server...
Thank you, it worked.
Anyways, If you need to reset the Chunk here are the cords: X: 1992 Z: 108
I placed a Pattern (Rune of the Dislocation) in a Fluid Interface and everytime I try to connect to the server it crash. Is strange because I...
And in single player, or at least when I played it on SP the End Portal was natural generated and the modpack has Garden of Glass, that mod makes...
Separate names with a comma.