Thats from options… On one of the copies I made, I deleted the options file here when I managed to select esc as the key for galaxy map, instead...
its in AppData\roaming\mineyourmind og you just type %appdata% you get AppData\local\ which is the wrong spot. To get MultiMC to run it you need...
Here are the files: GoogleDrive The main zip file is the pack, as it was snitched from the mineyourmind instances folder (but with my ID and...
So… Just dropping the AgSky+ folder doesn't help. The launcher insists on checking for an update, which it obviously can't find and then refuses...
And right off the bat we have a winner: bspkrsCore.cfg: # Set to true to allow checking for updates for ALL of my mods, false to disable...
OK, so… No matter which java version I use I get java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 at...
I have two or three old computers I can check to see if I have the client files… Edit: Found it, but it is a tarball of .minecraft. I will try...
Provided the chests and furnace are in the house where you have your home point, I am not able to see anyone other than you there the last 14...
Paging @Senior Moderator for grave recovery. Please allow for some time for us to reply properly as some of the staff is experiencing problems...
Just to clarify: It is the FTB Server - Advanced and Lag Free Feed The Beast Servers - MineYourMind 5.0 links that point to and the jar is...
First suggestion is just a hipshot: Try downloading the launcher again from I have several problems with my launcher related to...
Ah, this was a forum post as well. As I mentioned in the ticket you created, the deleted area follows the chunk lines and seems to be areas...
Working as IT support in RL has taught me to twist a word or two to get to the real intent ;) I'll raise the question in the staff chat, to hear...
This is a server. I have played on many SF4 servers before, with more than ten players, with everything from YouTuber to kids. This is the only...
You are more or less using the same dropper-into-cauldron setup that I am, but I added a tinkers tank as a buffer of lava and use a comparator out...
but why is rum Tinkers gone?
For example Better With Mods, I mean, Better With Wolves :D
When you make it as a free range Twilight Forest portal pool you make it with 12 random flowers of any kind, surrounding a pool of water 2x2 and...
Well that is more or less what you do with the current setup, except you need it in your inventory the first time you activate it and then...
Separate names with a comma.