Hey all! Lmao I havn't been on mym since like October omg! How are you all doing?! Miss yall! Lol I bet most of you don't even remember//know who...
So, I stumbled upon a new Pixelmon series on youtube with a hole bunch of bigger youtubers, and in said series, they have a way of purchasing...
So, since like no one knows if Poke-radar is allowed, (Including the stick and Prpl since I asked them), I decided to open this thread. There are...
Hey guys! I know I have not kept my promise well and I have not been around much lately! :( But life happens right? Anyway I just wanted to say...
Alas, the time has finally come for me to resign as a MOD. Real Life commitments (School and AAA Hockey) have gotten into the way of my time, and...
You know, sometimes as a Staff member we forget why we are here, and seeing this thread---> Best staff/mods/admins etc | MineYourMind Community...
So I remember this cool addon for pixelmon that this old server I used to play on had... Its called "WonderTrade" I think that we should...
Dear reader, If you are reading this you probably knew me as a Moderator.... which as you can see, I am no longer. You also may have known me as a...
Hello I've been trying to get the MYM launcher to launch DW20 although It has been crashing everytime. I had Mrwisski look at it and he said It...
I think that MYM should try to expand more out of the modded Minecraft community! I would like to suggest maybe putting in a new server; MYM...
Separate names with a comma.