Still no, news on this ?
Can confirm, that it appears to be fixed for now, Thank you ! :)So, the server is running at 20 TPS 10 players online and yet the lag is back,...
Node 5 is lagging, but its not the normal type of lag..... The TPS is currently 19.9TPS, I have 30ms Ping to the Server and FPS is sitting at...
I can confirm that if you play on our server the TPS barely goes below 18.9TPS, even with 20 people on at someone times it stay at 20TPS. Lag is...
Any further news on this ?
I know right, I mean I can connect, its just once every so often I get kicked with the message, I wait 10-30 Seconds and then I can connect again,...
That code still lookds bad, use this [MEDIA] pasted in there look good.
Results I completed this test while downlosing a 4k movie and playing League of Legends at the same time. I dont have constant problems with MyM,...
I'll give it a run, correct ip addrss to use ?
I can connect to all server, including MyM, just once in a while I get kicked with that error. And arnalpsln Can connect to all others server but MyM.
I never got this "IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" before the connection issues that the MyM network...
Well, been picked off with the same IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
I can join once again, will monitor it for the next few hours and let you know it is it fixed.
well, it just happened to me, walking around then got kicked back to the server list, and all 3 and the lobby servers were unreachable for me. My...
So...... I was just wondering when the latest recommend version of FTB infinity will be applied to MyM. MyM is still on 1.10.1 and FTB released...
My client cannot connect to the Infinity servers too, Server Status - MineYourMind 5.0 shows them all online.
Thank you for investigating it <3
Sounds Good, Hope you can find a solution :)
Nice :)
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