The pages of a book.
Laser. EDIT: the word Laser doesn't look right even though it's spelled correctly.
Congratulations my friend on Senior Moderator!
If there weren't any cookies? Zwei.
Interesting, well at least you found a solution.
Hmm do you have a crash-report from it?
Deuces (my papa used to say it) Bluu won't find any cookies on here
I have a dart board.
Sechs They like to see us suffer by not letting us get over 20.
So I helped with Crackpack Node 1's spawn. It's alright looking, but I personally like the NERO Englisch spawn. (Same with Deutsch 2) With the...
You mean 5? Sigh back to..... Eins (I more or less know 14 languages ^-^ )
Why do children have to be brats?
Accidentally, my internet connection was terrible and I closed out the page after it didn't send the first time. Which sent like 2 copies or so...
Separate names with a comma.