I'm gonna have to lol God sake I just wanna play a game properly Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
Already done that lol it's always set to 1600x900 as I am short sighted so too small resolution gives me headaches even with my glasses on. Sent...
It's doing it with MW3 as well so I'm assuming it must be a TV issue but it's strange how it's not affecting black ops 3 [IMG] It's not the best...
The TV? Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
I don't know, it confusing me as it only happens on this tv, not the one at my house
already used f11 but that'll make the screen normal until i go back onto the game and i always use a hdmi
gimme 2 seconds I'll get one up I can't get a screenshot as it goes full screen, it seems like the pc is still ok but my tv is shortening itself
when I load up Minecraft, it seem to squeeze my window in causing black bars to appear down the side. I'm currently using a normal TV as at my...
Ahhhh so for example: I A I A I A A I A I A I A etc. then all assemblers have acceleration cards to speed them up Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
Is that a checkered setup alternating between interfaces and assemblers? Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk
Anyone know how he created the op MAC in the FTB Infinty Skyblock series with Direwolf20? It seems that's my kinda thing XD Sent from my E6853...
Adding fastleaf doesn't allow it to load at all, it stops and say process ended with code:1
Ahh I will add that in then thanks pal! Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
I'm playing single player due to my Internet being temperamental and suffering with high utilisation ane I have been spoiled by quick leaf decay...
Yeeah that's what I've done Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
The servers are set at the chunk you're in is loaded the rest aren't without the myn loader Use /cm for more info about the setup Sent from my...
No I know that, what I'm asking is how does singleplayer work, are the chunks in your render distance chunk loaded automatically like a few people...
I know about the mym loader, I'm asking about offline single player Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
I know the servers have the mym loader but in single player, what's the chunk loaded radius? I've seen a few different answers but they come back...
Ahh fair enough thanks :) Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
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