While editing the texture pack im compiling... i found a nasty bug. If you place a Slime block, then while bouncing on it, Trying to place a...
Below is a link to a modified version on John Smith/ OzoCraft(edited by me). I personally love the animated textures from 1.8 so i edited the pack...
People can not help but to Strip mine in the overworld. A few player already commented on hitting someone's claim. What i suggest is next time...
The friendly group of players on vanilla plus have been using this server utility to great success, Even with like 20 players on... we seem to...
Can the server please enable claiming in all dimensions. I would like to make Nether farms and even some builds there. I fear if i do.... they...
While i know this pack is light, and limits should not be needed. I feel like they are. There were so many non hostile mobs near me that i was...
Is it possible to sell perks for credits on servers? Lets say a player want Heal, Change spawner, fly, or more homes (any of these perks really:...
The message is: "Could not connect to default or fallback server, please try again later: java.net.ConnectException" Its crashing almost every...
This is a thread where we can discuss what plugins we like and think should be on the server. Listing any pluggin here is NOT guaranteed it will...
Any chance we can get Claim blocks and MyMs set up for voting? Also here is a list i came up with. RandomItems: #Common Items: - '265' #Iron...
Today i have been trying to play infinity. One thing i have notice is when people start saying they are looking for Draconium and are -30.000k...
Was this world selected when generating the map? Looking around the world, it seems to be the default world gen.
I was told that mini maps dont work on this pack, but after trying them before they still did(radar and cavemode)*will test again if needed The...
When i use the portal from my base it brings me to someone else's area. The person placed 3 chest and tore it up a bit. But did not start building...
I just tried to claim in the Deep dark. I would like to set up a quarry there, but without claims, i fear it will get stole. Any chance we can...
Currently i can not access the Deep Dark, when i activate my portal and walk in, i get the following Message. [IMG]
Im not sure if this is a bug or if Ids changed. But i got some rather odd Items from 58 votes. Here are 3 that seemed out of place. [IMG] [IMG]...
Anyone else watch the FTB Town Hall? There was a lot of great new. Thing that included plans for GT packs and future packs to come. But the...
I personally would like to see Dynamic Lights - Cosmetic - Minecraft Mods - Curse Added to the MyM launcher. I personally add to all my packs and...
Has anyone tried this pack? OzoCraft Resource Pack 1.8.4 | Texture Packs It works well with the Faithful mod textures under it. Im really loving...
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