Ok, thanks. It appears in addition to this, all glass fiber cable was deleted as well. Will that be returned or replaced? Just curious, as I am...
Sometime between when I went offline Friday and this morning my Thaumcraft golems disappeared. They were flesh golems with alchemy cores. Location...
North still crashing with every autosave and several times between. Could we get a little notice next time something is to be blacklisted instead...
Just FYI, North has been crashing a lot today still and is currently down. Has been for about 10-15 minutes now.
Would it be ok for me to purchase two end-game thaum items from someone if I already have the research and actually already made the items? I ask...
It was something to do with that chunk. After moving the whole thing, it is back to chunkloading.
My quarry is no longer chunkloading. As you can see in the image, everything is located in a single chunk, and this setup has worked for 2 other...
Sorry, did not see that thread.
The North Server is crashing every few minutes, and has been since I got online a few hours ago. Not sure how long it has been going on overall.
North Server crashed once, came back up for a brief period, then crashed again and did not come back up. Currently down.
Sirwilli reverted my inventory, thanks!
My inventory was wiped out (including my /enderchest) over the weekend. It was apparently due to the known bug. I have a ticket open, #318, but it...
I have modreq #318 open for the same issue. Inventory is blank. Your help is appreciated since I can't leave my house atm :(
Perhaps I don't understand the rank structure on here, but directly above Arachnyd's post is a founder of the server laying out what he feels the...
Thanks Slind!
I have voted daily since the new server came online, but the new plugin keeps showing in my chat that I have no unredeemed votes. I voted today,...
I have an issue with claimblocks related to a move to M2+ from M2 and voting. When I moved to M2+, I lost some claimblocks (100). That isn't...
Separate names with a comma.