can you not just accept you were banned and drop it what's done is done
what mod is it
i honestly cant wait to see what gets added to ars i mean just before he stop working on it a few nice blocks got added but had no real...
i wonder if reverting to a previous thaumcraft 4 would fix most of these bugs
that cant be the best solution because why should we have to buy something that spawns in the world that's like paying for witchery spirits...
it seems this version of thaumcraft 4 is riddled with bugs the latest being the reasearch as it is bugged out to hell currently on civ
they did make a workaround as you can disable the part that would conflict with it
hmmm i guess the only way to find out would be to test it i dont see why it would be though as it would handle nodes like thaumcraft handles them...
yeah i have noticed this to not a lot of them around and when i actually find one its claimed though people say in chat that they destroy them for...
they only disarm when they reach full form where they can not use weps or armor
yes but the difference with rl and in a game they were not meant to pierce magical armor the fact you can just bypass someones high tech armor...
so what happends to werewolfs then as when they are attacking they can destroy armor
same can be said for any one shot wep
so just make it a rule to not disarm people in claims then
well to be fair it would teach people not to randomly attack other people by having disarm you could stop an unprovoked attack without having to...
civ is anything but hard if people think it is hard then they have only just started in the modded scene also in my opinion thaumcraft and...
okay i did the math and it still says one server
just because you played one pack does not mean thats what happens on all packs i have played plenty of packs with ars magica and not everyone...
thing is i don't trust you you can not say that everyone will only use ars magica some might play with it but they won't just forget other mods...
its not just pvp though i can think of tons of ways to protect myself against people who just want to kill people plus the whole theme of it is...
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