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Info 1.7 Item restriction

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Slind, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    4:53 AM
    that's the guy who was throwing them into the world's fault
    Tokoshoran likes this.
  2. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    1:53 AM
    Yeah, punish the culprit, not the victims.
  3. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    9:53 AM
    Hm why should it be banned? Not all players on the server have the knowledge to mine efficiently and get themselves a enderquarry right at the start. BC quarry is easier to make and in my opinion is just a step towards the enderquarry. (some dont even know the enderquarry exists)
    There is a reason why markers for BC quarry are banned. So they wont lag out the server. I suppose you know how the quarries work and how they chunkload. :D

    And before i forget enderquarries combined with an AE can also lag the server really hard. For example my Enderquarry with Speed x3 and Silktouch is dropping items in my AE so fast that i need 4 acceleration card for my import bus. At the same time i have fast ore processing setup that can almost keep up with the quarry. If i let it run when there are more then 10 players on the server I can lag the server so hard its not playable. (lucky i don't need ores for another month of playtime)

    The player should know how to use void pipes or filter to a trashcan... Or at least somebody should tell him how to do it properly.
  4. CptTravis

    CptTravis Well-Known Member

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    Who said you need a quarry at the start to be able to get resources? There are so many other options than a quarry that people can get until they have enough for a ender quarry.
    The land marks are banned, but players can still place the BC quarrys so they use 4 chunks instead of one and they still make a open pit. A open pit with flowing water requires many calculations.
    Those who get BC quarrys are also those who are not experienced with the game. Most of them make bad pipeline systems with the BC quarries(Are you gonna look all over the farm world for those quarrys to stop them?), while the ender quarry doesn't support those bad optimized pipeline systems.

    Even when the BC quarrys are used right they still take more performance from the server compared to a ender quarry, we could save some tps on that.

    Well that issue is already solved with the nice server plugin, if your ender quarry mines so fast then it will be displayed in the chat that your ae2 system is causing lag.
  5. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    9:53 AM
    Almost everybody goes that way. Never seen someone using an arcane bore for example.

    Yeah that also, forgot about the calculations of fluids. But still the BC quarry as it is with
    supplied enough power it mines out very fast the pit. So if it even is lagging it will stop fast.

    Yeah it does it doesn't lag when i the quarry is of. But when i turn it on it says 22, almost red... -.- i have to be really careful with it.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
  6. CptTravis

    CptTravis Well-Known Member

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    9:53 AM
    Your right that most people go for the BC quarry's, that's even a bigger reason why it should be banned. If many people does this then what do you think will happend to the server? *look at the screenshots before you answer that question*

    First of all almost every pit I saw was filled with floating water:

    The second problem I see is that most of them are placed between either 2 chunks or 4 chunks:

    The third and the worst problem can even crash servers alone, the BC transport pipes are bad optimized first of all and when the chest is full on the other end then they will start dropping items into the world:





    This happends when the chest is full:

    (The pipes will start throwing items in the ground when the chest is full)

    Imagine when many people does this, I was basically flying around farm world for 15 minutes just to find these pictures, this is probably just a little margin of what is out there or what can be out there. Most of the people can't even max out a quarry early game, a maxed quarry takes 420 rf/t so it will stay on for a while slowly eating server performance.
  7. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    9:53 AM
    I know what you mean with that. But the next question is?: How many players have such a setup? For example i play on DW20 and i haven't found more than 4 BC quarries and noone uses BC pipes. The community there teaches new players about it and are very helpful so such things don't happen to often. And there is a lot of knowledge about optimizing on dw20. But there are also people who build ridiculous lagmachines.

    Still I don't think its enough of a reason to ban then.
    Such things can be solved with telling them how to make a more efficient setup. If the player is not online then it shouldn't be a problem because the chunks unload.
  8. CptTravis

    CptTravis Well-Known Member

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    If I was using 15 minutes of my time just to look after bc transportline setups and I found 5 such setups, then god knows how many others there are. If the community teaches the players to use better pipes then why did I find 5 bc transport setups in roughly 15 minutes? How can the community teach newcomers when most of them don't even ask? The newcomers know a setup which they have used before and they will just use the same setup again without asking or thinking about the performance. Don't also forget that 1 guy who does a really bad pipeline setup with a bc quarry can lag the server alone and when 3-4 does this then yeah...

    Remember this was not the only reason, what about the 2 other reasons I mentioned about the 2 or 4 chunks placements or the flowing water?
  9. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    Yes I know, I mean i don't know what server that is. I was talking about dw20.
    Just tell me for these setups, were their owners online recently. I am sure that more than 50% of these quarries are old setups. From players that don't play anymore on the server. So they are not chunkloaded and no problem there xD

    But if its the case that they aren't the server should handle it. Don't let me show you what bases we have on dw20 that can eat up server resources. So I don't see a few BC quarries as a problem.

    Sorry I may sound a bit ignorant but that's just my opinion.
  10. CptTravis

    CptTravis Well-Known Member

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    9:53 AM
  11. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    9:53 AM
    I've meant more like this: Overkill? | MineYourMind Community
    I know the difference between a fps drop and tps. :D

    Btw these link you provided are general guidelines. Nothing new there :D
  12. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    You happened to findthem when you flew about. If it can be found, then they can be informed. Ban the players who repeatedly ignore the hints on how to improve, but give those who haven't gotten hints a chance. Otherwise, rather than encouraging them to suddenly start asking how to do something that they're finding the items for are banned, they will just leave the server.
  13. CptTravis

    CptTravis Well-Known Member

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    9:53 AM
    Thats extreme overkill idd and even a bigger problem than the quarrys, but that shouldn't mean we should ignore stuff like this just because its possible to make more lag in other ways :p
  14. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    9:53 AM
    No I'm not. I'm saying that the server can handle the quarries (the dropping items not) but that this like this hidden gem it can't. xD Trust me there are a lot of these, we just haven't seen them.
  15. CptTravis

    CptTravis Well-Known Member

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    9:53 AM
    Well the only issue about that is we kinda need to fly around and look for them all over the farm world, no way that all of them will be found and it will probably drive people crazy to have to contact a admin everytime some1 does this. What do you honestly belive is more likely to happend, people leaving the server because of lag or people leaving the server because of a bc quarry ban?

    I know I joined this server because it was well advertised in different server lists, and I stayed in the server because it was nice populated with nice and social people. The support from the managment and the managing is the best i've seen so far.

    Trust me when I say this, there are almost no other good infinity servers out there, I searched maybe trought 10 other servers and some of them were decent some really bad, but none of them were good. I doubt that people will run to those servers just because a BC quarry is banned.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
  16. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    9:53 AM
    You don't have to fly around and warn everybody who has such a setup. Admins and Co-Admins can always see if something lags the server and can respond to it. So don't worry about it so much.

    Well if the BC quarry would be banned it would create frustration.

    And that's why its good to have such discussions. :D
  17. CptTravis

    CptTravis Well-Known Member

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    I've seen that admins have mentioned servers crashing because of bad quarry setups, would be nice if we got any admins here confirming my statement thought. I'm just trying to come with suggestions that might help the owners to improve tps, I'm not saying that the servers are bad in fact they are really good. Havent seen any other infinity servers holding so many players stable, but other times the tps can be pretty low which I belive might be caused because of bad BC quarry setups from many players at the same time. This is why I came up with this suggestion.
  18. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    Thank you then for the suggestion and this discussion. :D And for the kind words also!
    We will see if someone else joins in :D
  19. IanIsTheBoss

    IanIsTheBoss Technician

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    4:53 AM
    Is there any chance that you could reenable crafting cards? They are pretty useful for ME automation.
  20. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    9:53 AM
    Sadly no because they cause a lot of TPS issues and server crashes.

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