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A bit of a rant: Mods, refunds, server performance, language filter & end game items.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Talhalla, Jun 15, 2016.


Are there any of these points you agree with? If so, which?

  1. Mods

  2. Refunds & Server performance

  3. Language Filter & Caps Lock

  4. End Game Items

  5. None! The server is perfect as it is and nothing need changing!

  6. Something else.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Talhalla

    Talhalla Well-Known Member

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    10:35 AM
    Why does it matter if it's public or not though?
  2. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    We had alot of issues with situations getting out of hand and player getting banned for a long time since with the time the words and how you discuss the topic were not acceptable.

    If we make exceptions we would have to make those for everyone. Another story if a server is rolling back there is nothing we can do to prevent his since the server forcefully shuts down and the last minutes are lost cause they are not saved. Also how can we proofe if the server really got those items he request to be refunden? also we dont have the manpower to investigate every refund for like 30minutes and we are not payed so its not possible to do such things

    Well yeah already got explained i think we are not able to moderate chat on every server we have 24/7 the chat filter is not preventing every bad word and is just a little help for us staff

    About the End Game items we allow ppl to help out each other but they should do it in a private way and not on the public market since it can destroy the progression for new players. but everyone got another opinion on that. i think the current system on which you are not allowed to sell end game items in public is ok since you are allowed to sell them privately to help other players out.

    my 2 cents ;)
  3. Talhalla

    Talhalla Well-Known Member

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    10:35 AM
    I don't think thats a valid reason fro mods to simply dismess any type of critizism tho ;P

    Yeah, the exeption is that when you know the server will rollback often you then make the exeption for everyone.

    This is why I said that if it only happened once then the refund policy should apply, but if you know the server rollbacks often (for whatever reason) then you shoul consider lifting the policy.

    This is the main problem, and is where I don't have an answer, I'm just saying that if nothing is done you risk loosing a huge chunk of the playerbase, while at the same time if you give everyone anything they ask for, well then you have another problem there. There is no one size fits all solution, but if noone thinks about this we will be stuck with sub optimal system forever.

    Both I (and quite a few others I have seen on SF) thinks that this comes in the way of civil discussion WAY more than it helps staff. Which again was my original point ;^)

    I agree that is probobly going to be the way to do it, but still, would be nice if everyone knew it ;P

    Well thanks!
  4. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    if you tell me an easy and secure way to perform such refund please tell us your ideas since with our current abilities i dont see any option to perform them
  5. Talhalla

    Talhalla Well-Known Member

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    I'm afraid as I already said, I don't hold all the answers. I'm simply saying that if nothing is done, it could turn out to be a huge problem in the long run.
  6. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    Most staff you see on the servers are Jr mods and Mods, neither who make any decitions regarding the rules, so they may just pull a full stop to the topic as they cant change anything anyway and endless discussions in the game is pointless. However, nothing is stopping you from making posts on the forums to discuss a rule you dont agree with, here it is more visible to admins and owners and thus can be reviewed by them and if they find merit in your argument they can consider it. But as I said, discussing it in game is pointless and only opens up for arguments and drama.
  7. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    well i always like such threads they are nice and you can discuss the important things :)
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  8. aD0UBLEj

    aD0UBLEj Well-Known Member

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    Only issues where this should come up really are the servers with connected nodes, since we cannot message cross server but can chat and trade, but I doubt anything can be done about this
  9. Talhalla

    Talhalla Well-Known Member

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    About the end game not being allowed in public chat, shouldn't it be ok if you say for example "want to buy awakened draconium" if you already have some but just want to buy more, or do you have to individualy msg everyone on the server, cuz that seems stupid ;P
  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    The filter is also there to prevent users from posting the words by accident. (Sending the message before thinking.)
  11. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    So here is the thing with the chat filters;
    • We are, to the best of our ability, a family friendly server. Keep that in mind.
    • Family friendly means EVERY family. And while certain words or expressions might be ok in your family during casual conversation, their are just as many where those words are not ok.
    • We can not afford to have a staff member dedicated to each server 24/7 to watch chat. So we have filters. If you disagree with a filtered wood, or think a different word should be filtered then please make a forum post for the word to be discussed. (Put the word in question in a spoiler)
    About end game items;
    • We have decided as the staff of the server that end game items are not to be sold on the market. That is not in question. (For now)
    • This does NOT include a private sale between two players who can already make the item.
    Use the mod added items to sell to other players if you decide not to use the market. Both Forestry and IC2 come to mind a having options to do so.
  12. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Forestry does add a trading post and a mailbox, while IC2 has a more limited-range (As in, you have to be at theirs) trading post. Both players have to have a registered mailbox, or a trading post and catalogue from Forestry, but the IC2 trader is available without that, since it involves both players using the same unit.
  13. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    As I said, other option exist for almost all packs.
  14. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Players voted to keep the end games item rule and the no refund policy as is. If you feel a staff member is acting inappropriately please report them in the staff and player complaint section.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  15. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    One thing I notice here with this comment, as well as a few interactions with people in game is that people are quick to question staff about the rules. First and foremost, the staff of this network do not make the rules. We enforce them. We have rules to follow as well, and one of those rules is enforcing the rules. If you want to criticize the networks rules and offer suggestions on change there are proper places to do that (here for example, or our suggestions forum). Also, you /acceptrules when you join the game and begin to play, if you disagree with the rules here then why did you agree when you started?

    As chat moderation goes there are certain topics that are flagged for "do not discuss" as they incite heated argumentative discussions or debates that generally fall-out into a difference of opinion vs. what's right or wrong. The rules is one of these topics. Discuss them here, in a suggestion post, or in a pm to the rule makers (founders).

    But when a staff member asks you to stop talking about something its because of those reasons. It's not personal. We have a protocol to follow in regards to how we handle topics in chat discussions that cause us to put our staff hat on and say, "okay lets change the subject" or something of that nature. We hope people listen and topics are changed but if and when people argue or do not allow staff to do its job is when we have to become more enforcing of the rules. As stated by my peers or other players, if you have a problem with a moderator threatening to use their staff powers in an unfair way we have a complaints section and you are obligated to report them. Its private, and you WILL be heard. (By the way, you are free to discuss whatever you want in private chat/parties without moderation.)

    We do not have an opinion about you or anyone else's opinions about the rules. We just do what we are taught to do. To single out moderators or staff for enforcing the rules is not fair. Again, I stress... We do NOT make the rules, and we CANNOT change the rules.

    I think other staff have covered the other issues you mentioned quite extensively and I felt that the Mods issue needed to be reiterated a bit further in detail. As someone who's been a staff member for almost 8 months now I've seen all types of moderators come through here. We are fair, and we really do try to help and understand when people are unhappy about something. Our first priority is customer service. We are the front line to your problems and issues. We respect that your issues are legitimate as they are important to you. All we ask is that you respect us when we have to enforce rules of our own.

    In closing, If you ever want to discuss something feel free to pm me on the forums any time. I will make it a point to ease any concerns you may have about any of our network rules in the future.

    You are always welcome to submit a staff application yourself if you feel that you could make a significant impact as a staff member here if you dont like how current staff handles things.
  16. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Clarification of Above post
    Administrators, Directors and the Founders make the rules. Nobody else. If you have issues with the rules discuss them here. NOT in game.

    In game, their is no discussion on whether the rules are fair, or anything of the likes. That is for the forums.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
    Sandstroem and MrsFaithfyre like this.
  17. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Would it be possible and this is only theoritcal here but to make a /endgameitems list in the commands?
  18. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Hmm... Maybe to point to the forum post.
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  19. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Yeah it might help players find the list, as i understand its not always the easiest to find?
  20. Talhalla

    Talhalla Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the input, there is just one thing that still bugs me. I get why you wouldn't disguss the rules and thats fine with me, however, I did ask why: if I was able to obtain something why shouldn't I be able to buy it, and then a mod straight up just told me, no because rules.
    (Don't remember who and I'm not going to name anyone)
    Thats basicly what fueled my anger I suppose ;P

    Ok, mom... ;)

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