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A bit of a rant: Mods, refunds, server performance, language filter & end game items.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Talhalla, Jun 15, 2016.


Are there any of these points you agree with? If so, which?

  1. Mods

  2. Refunds & Server performance

  3. Language Filter & Caps Lock

  4. End Game Items

  5. None! The server is perfect as it is and nothing need changing!

  6. Something else.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    3:32 AM
    If you can, and HAVE made a particular item then you are allowed to trade/buy it from somebody else who also Can/has made that item. Privatley.

    As for the staff member who told you otherwise, if it happens again, please point them here. If they continue then please post in the private complaint section (Include screenshots), and they shall be...

    Sandstroem likes this.
  2. Talhalla

    Talhalla Well-Known Member

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    Thanks though!
  3. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    Basicly the End-Game items are tradable between players in private conversation, What you are NOT allowed to do is sell end-game items on the market or in public chat. If you are talking to someone in private chat and they offer to sell or buy the End-Game item with you there shouldn't be a problem.

    On a side note we do frown upon selling or trading end-game items to a player who is not at the same point in the game as yourself. So if someone just started playing we suggest letting them get to the point you are at before you trade or sell them any items. Before you ask why its frowned upon let me explain. If a player just started playing and only has 1 hour of game time or less and we end up investigating them because they got reported for having items that there is no way they could have so soon we may by mistake take it as a grief case or a dupe case and this player could end up getting ban by mistake.

    Now do not get me wrong we are very good at reading logs and finding out exactly how players get the items they have, but mistakes can be made and we want to prevent these mistakes at all costs which is one reason we do not trade or sell items to a new player that has only been on the server a hour or so. Better to be safe then sorry.
  4. Talhalla

    Talhalla Well-Known Member

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    It's not because I want to sell people stuff, I just wanna buy ;P
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    contact someone you want to buy from then
  6. Talhalla

    Talhalla Well-Known Member

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    That is what I have been doing ^^
  7. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    A long time ago, the question of a language filter came up, and was answered best by Arachnyd

    Swearing | MineYourMind Community

    Let me preface this by saying that I'm an ex-Marine and I am accustomed to swearing, but, I rarely do so myself.

    Swearing in person spontaneously is quite different from swearing online. When one swears he does so for one of two purposes: Drawing attention (the above described instance is one of these), or, Being offensive. If your purpose is to draw attention, then, by swearing in General Chat you get the attention that you want at the risk of offending many others.

    Online, you must decide three different times to be offensive: 1) you have to think it; 2) you have to type it; 3) you have to hit return. You've decided three separate times that you don't care if you offend the people around you.

    There truly isn't any reason to swear online unless you INTEND to offend the people around you.


    Still agree with this wholehartedly

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