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Decided Against A PvP Oriented Server

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by LordFungi, Apr 3, 2017.

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  1. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Would you be allowed to set up traps in this server? Like some ghost blocks ontop of spikes, or random turrets placed around (if they are in the pack) the world?
  2. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    As long as you aren't teleporting players into the traps or using lies to trick them into it, traps should be fair game.
  3. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    Aye, the way traps should be used is to defend your base or to collect LOOT from people foolish enough to wander into it. Fair game, in my opinion. It'd definately flush out the Bandit aspects of a modded PvP server like the one we're hypothetically planning out.[DOUBLEPOST=1491501521][/DOUBLEPOST]Well, a server like this wouldn't work if MyM doesn't put the effort into giving it its own set of banned items/rules. The last civ server had several problems with items that shouldn't have been banned on a PvP server and other problems doing with claim protections that didn't make sense to be on the server either. Example being the Flans Guns. None of them worked on the server due to claim protection.
  4. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    The main issue i think that would need to be worked around is about donator perks. And flight. And any sort of teleportation.

    How about a spawn town that you can join, or you can be an outlaw?

    Where the townsfolk have jobs they have to do to stay members of the town. (To pay remt you have to have a job right?) Or you say screw the system and live outside the law. But also outside town.

    Townsfolk can only pvp or raid outlaws, and outlaws can pvp anybody including other outlaws.

    The jobs would award moneys you can earn which you would use to puchase equipment to take on better jobs.

    Say set up a rail line to the iron mine.

    Outlaws can raid and pvp other raiders but only pvp townsfolk.[DOUBLEPOST=1491509384][/DOUBLEPOST]And as long as we are talking about this imaginary pack, make it have no god armour or wepons. And make some things uncraftable to incurage town usage. You would not have a smeltry in ypur home, you would sell your ore to the refinery and then buy the iron you needed from the metal smith. You buy food from the market. Etc.

    Townsfolk could set up outposts but at that point they would no longer fall under the protection if the town and those outposts can be raided.[DOUBLEPOST=1491509685,1491509061][/DOUBLEPOST]Set up the town in districts so that you buy a shop plot and sell food. You pay rent and if you dont pay then you loose the plot.

    Industrial district also.

    We would have guards for the town, Godlike NPC with said god wepons to kill outlaws who sneek into town.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2017
  5. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Should definitely be possible to sneak past them, though, even if it is very difficult to do so.
  6. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    And once your in you can blend in with the townsfolk in order to use the markets so I can sell your stolen loot and buy equipment.
  7. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    The guard are imortal and golike in jealth and damage dealing. But not omniscient. You could sneak around them.

    That was the idea.
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Townsfolk have it too easy in these scenarios, unless there is a fear of highway men stopping them and pilfering their goods it is an easy life.
  9. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Taxes would have to be pretty high to pay for these amazing guards.
  10. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Well, everything ouside of town is fair game.

    So say you take a job to mine 500 iron. You are fair game out mining right? And maybe the outlaws could steal from the towns folk in town, at risk of the guards catching them and putting them in jail for a sentence?

    Industry would have to be outside of town, so make sure to lock your doors. Think of it more as an rpg server then a survial server.

    You could even earn enough to buy a deed to start your own town out in the wilderness. With stipulations about population and such. Like having to pay taxes to the main town, and if you dont you loose your town status and become a ghost town.

    Owtlws could even create adhock towns that could have outlaw guards and such. Much more dangerous though as this would be a harcore server in the regards that dying would remove all ypur items from game, you would loose ypur home and your money. Maybe make mobs a bit stronger but more rare.

    Towns folk would have to leave town to collect resources to grow the town and earn money while outlaws could buy a pardon from ill gotten goods sold to an npc fleece.
  11. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    seems like a fun idea. However, you play runescape and you'd understand there are INSANELY POWERFUL spells and weapons. Thus meaning our best relation would be to have these insane god-like armor and weapons available... however, getting them is near-impossible. we could utilize HQM or better questing's loot bags for tiered loot and the legendary/ancient tier bags have a <1% chance of spawning to encourage dungeon raiding. and the questbook would not be a necessity, but could help guide players along and provide them with loot for visiting certain "official towns" and completing tasks for these different NPC's...

    I sure wouldn't mind helping with quests and such :p
  12. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    2:35 AM
    Never played runescape.

    Im thinking more along the lines of a faction slash towny server. You could add dungeons in as death is a real setback. With a 9 hour rebirth timer temp ban.

    God like mechanics would have to be limited as once one side got it that would be the end of the struggle. So would flight have to be removed. But we could remove natural regeneration and make people heal other ways.

    Also maybe a job of discovering an ore vein. Then a job of building a mine to it. The a job of building your iron mine and a rail line to return the ores to town to be processed. After the mine is empty you could have a job to reclaim the land back to the natural glory. And then since the rail line exists you could start a town their?

    And bounties on outlaws could give town folk a reason to go pvp. Maybe a salary for killing outlaws but if you die tough luck.

    Damn, I'm going to use this in rage quit.

    On the otherhand you could set up a warzone... Where two town fight for control of the resources between them in an eternal strugle.
  13. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    7:35 AM
    Not sure how well you could balance a mechanic like random loot with massive power. Perhaps it would be more effective to require the higher level equipment to be crafted from lower level loot drops, with drop chances that would total the targeted value? This also allows trading of extra components with others. Maybe also have a priced element for good measure, in order to prevent it from being obtained too early on.

    e.g. you want a sword with a 1/100 drop chance, have it be crafted from 5 pieces, each with a 1/15 drop chance. Expected drops to obtain all parts would up a little over 100 with about 2 duplicates, from a quick estimation. Those duplicate parts could be traded with others in exchange for the parts you need, so you might be able to manage it within an average of 70 drops if you could find the right buyers.
  14. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    12:35 AM
    well the idea behind having "godlike" armor available would work something like this... this comment may be edited a bunch because i'm coming up with a loot table.

    Legendary/Ancient loot bags, <1% chance of spawning in dungeon chests. also harder quests can provide these, though rarely.
    People may make wyvern armor, however awakened draconium can only be obtained through loot bags. they'd be delivered by-the-block. likewise, people may resurrect and kill a much more powerful ender dragon, and killing them will drop a heart. you may utilize this heart by delivering it to an "ancient warlock" via quests, where one heart and multiple draconium blocks could also be turned into a single (awakened) draconium ingot block.
  15. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    7:35 AM
    Perhaps giving a shorter timer for PvP deaths and for new players in order to reduce player loss? I can't imagine there will be a huge playerbase for this, and pushing away too many players with a long death timer might kill the pack altogether.
  16. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    yeah not a fan of the idea behind a 9hr ban. that would kill the playerbase before anybody gets iron armor.
  17. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    2:35 AM
    Im just throwing ideas out.

    Also, put the server in adventure mode. Muahaha
  18. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    I don't check the thread for one day and we're talking about creating a spawn town and two different factions (Citizens and Outlaws)? This is becoming a server where the original idea was for the players to decide how they'd play it. This forces them into one of two sides when they could easily just play both. What if your an outlaw that wants to become a citizen? What if a citizen gets into a fight with another citizen that's trying to become a outlaw and dies? Will the defender become the outlaw automatically since they got the kill? And while I like the idea of this particular spawn town, i don't think its wise. Player bases would become obsolete, and you couldn't really build factions with the main city being the only place to do things. I think there'd be a faction that would use spawn town as their base, with little outposts dotting the area outside it as their personal homes, but other players may want to create their own towns or just live by themselves and still have access to these things without going into town. It'd basically remove 2000 blocks in all directions for elegibility for building in, since outlaws would also want to build near town to raid.

    Guards are always a good idea, but how would they pick out people fighting? The aggressor would become the same as the defender once blades start flying, AI, especially in minecraft, is not good enough to see which one is good.

    Loot bags would be alright, but a quest guide wouldn't fit the theme of the pack. This isn't a MMO story, it doesn't have a tutorial. The best we could provide players is a book to explain to them what things are. Maybe the Quest Book with no rewards, just information, that way if they don't know something they can craft the book and see.

    Addressing the donors issue, the kits weren't tweaked as far as I know of, and /fly was disabled entirely in Civ.

    I do like the idea of a player ban, but instead of 9 hours, just make it one minute for PvP kills (if possible), and 5 for PvE. This would give killers time to collect their loot and run while the player waits to get back online, and make dying in dungeons or traps more of a inconvenience then anything.

    Loot bags shouldn't contain anything that could lead to end game, the idea of the modpack is to get rid of ALL end game gear. No one should be too powerful, because while improbable, it would still be POSSIBLE for someone to end up with Awakened Draconium eventually if it was allowed, and they'd make a way to farm to make it happen. Now I'm not saying that we shouldn't reward players with rare loot, maybe we could give them crazy enchanted books, or items with special properties. Maybe add in a mod that you aren't allowed to craft ANY of the items in it, but can use them if you get them in loot bags.

    And Adventure mode would kill it almost immediately. .w.
  19. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    well i never said they'd be given the end-game items, however i did say that they'd be given components; they'd be forced to gather components for the armor, for example draconic chestplate needs 6 awakened blocks instead of awakened ingots. and since the idea of multiple draconium blocks (like maybe 2 stacks of blocks) and a dragon heart for one awakened draconium block. and the idea is all awakened cores will require high-tier resources... and more awakened blocks =D (I'm evil. I love being evil at times. This is one of those times.)
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
  20. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    3:35 AM
    Or just reduce the durability of high damage weapons a ton (totally stealing from Zelda breath of the wild here) so that you can get stronger weapons but the really strong ones only last a little while before they break.
    So maybe you could get a +50 damage sword but you can only get like 10 hits out of it, or a +10 damage sword could get like 100 hits.
    There could even be a standard low damage infinite durability sword provided so that if all your weapons break you still atleast have something.
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