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A Server for Modern Skyblock?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by TheEmosewaPixel, Apr 10, 2017.


Should Modern Skyblock get a server?

  1. Yes, it seems interesting

    30 vote(s)
  2. No, [reason in the comments]

    5 vote(s)
  1. Robbo1

    Robbo1 Member

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    2:33 AM
    I don't expect someone to be able to fix every single problem with their modpack, I do however think if the modpack author tries to fix the more straightforward problems it helps them in the long run.
    Delerium76 likes this.
  2. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    8:33 PM
  3. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    3:33 AM
    Ummm, not really. The Sky Resources guide is from the mod and the creator's been pretty busy lately. When it comes to the achievements, what's wrong with them?
  4. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    Well one thing that someone mentioned was that the achievements book should mention how to get started, by explaining the void world commands to spawn your island, and what default key you press to open the sky resources guide. At least for me that's where I got caught up and had to figure it out for myself. Some of that is mentioned in chat (void world stuff) but sometimes all of that scrolls off the screen and you miss it.
  5. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    Which is why I told the creator of Sky Resources to change that. No spoilers though.
  6. Robbo1

    Robbo1 Member

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    you could replace the sky resource guide with your own one until they update the mod to include a more in-depth guide. for the achievements, as previously mentioned by @Delerium76 , it looks identical to skyfactorys achievement book.
  7. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    I wouldn't change something for only 2-3 updates and I made the achievements like that because some of them you can't recreate with HQM, but even though I could with Better Questing I don't like adding rewards. Most of the achievements are there to help you progress trough certain mods.
  8. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    8:33 PM
    It's a good start and a fun pack. I stopped playing when I became frustrated with how the sky resources mod's mechanices are (not) balanced. The crystal shard processing setup has bottleneck issues (fluid dropper and/or the crucible compared to the tiered processors). That and the "washing dust" method which seems to completely duplicate and/or replace the crystal shard processing. I liked the mod at first, but the more I played it the more it felt like the creator couldn't decide which direction he wanted to go, so he made two half-assed versions instead of one really good one.

    Edit: Again as @Robbo1 mentioned, you could just add that starting info to the intro you have in your achievements book, that lets people know how to start the pack. You can't expect a new player to know how to create an island with the command line.
  9. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    6:33 PM
    Downloading it now, but since you've got your own little mod for the resource gathering, I've got a question: Did you include an uncraftable, configurable "starter chest," so that any server using it can configure what items to give their starting players when they make a new island? One big problem in these packs is that if you have to reset your island for whatever reason, you wind up having nothing to start with because there's no way to program in extra chests without an extra mod that would leave out players from other launchers.
  10. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    3:33 AM
    Well actually Void Island Control has it built in to give a list of specified items to a player whenever they make an island. I think that it should work server-side. Anyways @Delerium76 the crystal system is there to easily automate their creation. There are different tiers of machines because every tier is faster than the previous, if I remember correctly.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
  11. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    6:33 PM
    Are there unlisted ways to obtain gunpowder, or am I expected to create a mobhouse just to build my first heater?
  12. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    Nope. It's required.
  13. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    That'll be a pain with reduced mobspawns on MyM servers. Might be good to have something that encourages a creeper to spawn, such as baits did for passive mobs with Ex Compressum. Make it work best in darkness and away from the player to act as a normal spawn.
  14. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    Well the #1 SF3 server actually had a passive and hostile mob spawner at spawn. That would be a good idea as on the pack mob spawns are required to progress.
  15. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    If this becomes a highly populated server, that may encounter another issue: Either the spawner is crowded with players trying to get the mob drops, or it's crowded with mobs when fewer players than it expected are working at it.
  16. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    Don't you know how mob spawners work? When making a custom mob spawner in vanilla MC you can set it so that if there's a certain amount of mobs around it, new ones won't spawn.[DOUBLEPOST=1492156398][/DOUBLEPOST]And on that one server there's never been an issue with overcrowding as many people use Magical Crops.
  17. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    8:33 PM
    no, you don't need a mob farm for gunpowder:
    gunpowder can be created by putting flint into that explosive thingie.
  18. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    6:33 PM
    That explosive thingy is the "heater," which requires gunpowder to make in the first place. (You also need an iron heater, as the wooden one is too cold by 20º)
  19. Delerium76

    Delerium76 Well-Known Member

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    8:33 PM
    Sorry, I misread your statement. I thought you said "Are there unlimited ways to get gunpowder" meaning, it never gets easier. Yes you need a mob farm for the first few gunpowder. Lots of MyM servers rely on mob drops so mob farms are typically used for that. Also, I'm sure if this gets a server, the admin will add/change recipes for the purposes of balancing the server, they usually do.

    You must not have read my comment correctly. "bottlenecks due to crucible and fluid dropper speeds". The crucible and fluid droppers can't keep up with the speed of even a tier 1 machine, let alone a tier 4, and there's no way to upgrade them. The only solution is more crucibles, but then the fluid hopper goes too slow. The whole system is kinda broken.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
  20. TheEmosewaPixel

    TheEmosewaPixel Member

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    3:33 AM
    Well that's the solution for the Crucible problem. Though it woukd make sense for more Fluid Dropper tiers.

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