Apparently the chunkloaders consume tickets no matter what (like, it consume tickets even when the player is near the chunk, meaning the player is already loading that chunk so the chunkloader isn't really needed for that time) so i want to suggest an option to disable and enable the active chunkloaders through the /cm (MyMChunkManager) right next to the "remove" option. I also suggest a way to rename them so the player can recognize them easier but that is an optional one tbh
ive made a similar post like this in the tiquality testing topic for Po3K. We are suffering the issue that even if the player is in a chunk, the chunk runs on a reduced tickrate. Only when placing down a chunkloader, then the chunk starts running full speed. Not sure if related, but worth mentioning.
Redstone can be used to turn off the chunkloader, but cannot be used to turn them back on, as the chunk is unloaded. I like the idea of remotely controlling them.
And again @SirWill forget to type that command he just add... Same with /vote count or whatever it was its /cm enable/disable?
then let me explain - since I dont play on any 1.12 or higher MC version of modpack i dont read none changelogs about those versions I thought it will be implemented for all servers thats why i asked.
You implemented turning them off, but i think the guy also asked for a remote way to enable them again. All we can do now is click REMOVE and the chunkloader is deleted, but there is no way to re-enable them remotely again without physically setting an iron block to load again..
Well that option wasnt there yesterday. Sure you didnt enable something in background? because im 101% certain last night, before posting here, we didnt have a disable or enable option. Only remove. But ye, its in there now, so nice! Some slight finetuning tho... can you remove like 1 or 2 spaces in there so it aligns better? now does this:
The server probably didn't restart at the time you checked. I moved it to a second line with the next restart. Depending on the coordinates length it would always be cut off.
Nice, gonna check it out any moment now. New PC, so reinstalling everything. Wonder how fast load times will be now. Previously Po3K took me 7 mins 8 sec. Wonder what this monster will make of that time Yup, looks better. Thnks SirWill.