Hi, mym newby here playing Direwolf20. Question for you knowledgeable folks about commands specifically the /home command. I've been reading up the commands section of the wiki but it seems either out of date or incomplete. It lists /spawn and /sethome but not ones that I've discovered like /home /home list or /home [name]. Does anyone know of a full list of commands relating to teleporting?? Or whether it's possible to set your home to your base and then set a secondary location somewhere else (eg in a mine you've dug in the farmworld dimension)? Many thanks!
You can only use multiple homes as a donator. The amount you get per tier is listed here: SHOP If you are a donator then the command to set home is /sethome [name] and then to get there /home [name]
The full list of teleporting for non-donors is this: /sethome [sets your home. Useful to get back to your base] /home [tp's you to your home set by /sethome] /delhome [delets your home set by /sethome] /rt [randomly tp's you to a place in the world] /spawn [tp's you to the server spawn]