Agrarian Skies Update coming soon

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Slind, Jun 25, 2014.

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  1. tommypoints

    tommypoints Well-Known Member

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    Galacticraft is one the things that intrigued me about AG+. I still want to explore GC and ender expansion since this is the first pack I have played that had them. I am just turned off by the PVP on setting (That is a separate topic though.) I'll get to these despite the PVP setting eventually.

    I was just about ready to start my computercraft project so I disagree with that but I am not sure what you consider proper use of computercraft. I know early on I fell into that as I was just using one for a timer but have since replaced it with a.......timer. Turtles would have been nice early game but it said it was banned.

    I wouldn't mind a reset even though I am not looking forward to the annoying quests(50k lettuce for instance). The flip side is a ton of the easy to get reward bags again. That takes the sting out since I have most of the infrastructure required for them now.
  2. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    I do not agree, I also presume that more quests are being worked on for the new mods. I would refer to AS+ as a BETA, as it also states in the launcher. There's lots of possibilities to AS+. It can add hours and days of gameplay. If ur like me and want to grow powerfull you don't even need that many quests. I have gone on without doing any quests for at least a week before. The added mods can provide an interesting twist to the AS experience. When adding more mods you increase the possibilities for everything. You add another layer to the gameplay. Take for example Ars Magica. If you would grow powerfull in that you could do a lot of things and become insanely powerfull. Or industrial craft that adds another aspect of gameplay that you would want to automate, create an EU power grid and such. I think that your experience with AS+ may be worse then mine since you only think of completing the quests. I think of all the possibilities and ways I could make you gameplay easier, further increasing gameplay by days of not weeks.

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  3. tommypoints

    tommypoints Well-Known Member

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    As for additional mods. I am open to anything but would definately 2nd KAMI. I am surprised it wasn't added with Thumic Tinkerer in the first place.

    I would also like to see Forbidden Magic since I haven't ever played that mod and it looks cool.

    My concern with the plant based mods is we are already overrun with plants via hunger overhaul. If the items/blocks added are cool enough to out weigh more plants being added then then so be it but the last thing we need is more plants.

    Does Mekanism add stuff that is worthwhile? or is mostly redundant?

    I am all for Gregtech in general. Got to the fusion reactor in unhinged and enjoyed it. Since this is a hard pack I'd be fine adding it on hard. (let the crying being lol)
  4. masterzan

    masterzan Active Member

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    I totally agree that ag+ needs to be revamped I say we bump up the difficulty of all the quests instead of trying to add new ones. It shouldn't be to hard for me and the some of the other quest makers to edit these quests. And is there any set date for the pack update to 3.1 @SirWilli If we dont want to go live with it on the server can we at least at another option in the launcher for ag 3.1
    The_Icy_One likes this.
  5. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Isn't the challenge of getting to the moon and surviving incentive enough? There is also the addition of space stations, which are basically skyblocks in space, so you do have the option of higher difficulty if that is what you want.

    What do you consider 'proper' use of computercraft? I play with it on occasion, and turtles will be useful for automation in the late game.

    A harder version being Crash Landing in the sky? Agrarian+ manages to keep the original 'feel' of Agrarian Skies, but adds more scary things to kill you in other dimensions and new ways to play with other mods. If you want a harder pack, just change your play style, and give yourself additional rules to work with, like playing on a space station with ender pearl powered oxygen.


    On another note, Magical Crops? It would be a pretty endgame thing anyway, since it requires large amounts of storage space for the masses of seeds obtained in attempts to get essence seeds :3


    On the subject of normally OP mods made many times harder by skyblocks, Dartcraft? It would be an endgame item due to the need for laser drills/the nether to obtain force gems.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2014
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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  7. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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  8. daveorock

    daveorock Member

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  9. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    I think the other one is a full block, acts like the chicken bone one but the ones from chicken bone is much better

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  10. arouse

    arouse New Member

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    How about adding that enderchest mod ? It could be an alternative to moving items around instead of relying on tesseracts.
  11. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Aren't Enderstorage blocks a little cheap?
  12. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    We could potentially see about replacing the default recipes with custom ones to balance the difficulty a bit if necessary.

    ...but yes, they are rather cheap tbh, which is probably why ender storage wasn't included in the base Agrarian pack :p
  13. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    So AS-style recipe would be something like this?
    E E E
    E N E
    E E E
    Enderium Ingot - E
    Nether Star Block - N
  14. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Not quite THAT obnoxious lol... possibly something like this:
    enderstorage ideas.
  15. masterzan

    masterzan Active Member

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    1:54 PM
    I think that these are all good ideas and all but do we have a time of update for agrarian+ and agrarian
  16. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Agrarian 1 and 2 have updated to 3.1.1 already AFAIK, but AG+ is a bit trickier because all our custom quests for the additional mods have to be readded from scratch if we update because the update messes with how they're implemented some how (idk the exact details myself, just what I've heard from others)..
  17. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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  18. sync777

    sync777 New Member

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    Please add steve's factory manager
  19. Ov3rL0aD3

    Ov3rL0aD3 Member

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    Enchanting Plus maybe :O?
  20. AznPrydeG

    AznPrydeG New Member

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