Not Possible [All Thaumcraft Servers]Outer Lands added to MyM portal

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by _Lordicon, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    1:07 AM
    Had a thought, If inactive players bases can be reset by reloading the chunks the base is on then the same thing could be done for the Elditch Altars by searching for Eldritch Obelisk or where they were and then just reload the chunks they are in with some conditions of course like if there is a players base in that chunk do not reload etc etc. Not sure if the creative mode Eldritch Obelisk Placer 5130:4 is the exact same as the ones randomly generated but would be nice to test out.
  2. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    5:07 AM
    Wouldnt work either, the way that the bases are removed is a script to regen the area basically. But the obelsiks are added in after normal world generation, meaning if the area gets regened the obelisks wont come back.
    And the creative obelisk spawner doesnt work as it doesnt spawn in the node which is needed to actually use the portal
  3. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    10:07 PM
    Hmm i wonder how the Regrowth pack developer got it to work since you need to make a obelisk to access the outer lands
  4. _Lordicon

    _Lordicon MyM Real OG

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    1:07 AM
    So at first I was thinking players griefed all of the eldritch altars on the Direwolf20 server, then it hit me. I haven't even seen any eldritch altars not even broken down ones. So my only guess is that the Direwolf20 server has been online way before the release of the eldritch altars patch of thaumcraft which would explain why I have not seen any at all except in the farmworld. I can only assume the server was never reset in order to generate these altars in the overworld after this thaumcraft version was released. I have always been a fan of thaumcraft but on the direwolf20 server getting to the new stuff can not be done without these altars. I am pretty sure some players have been to the outerlands on Direwolf20 in the past just don't know how they got there without the portals.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    no, it was WAY after, trust me
  6. HellFirePvP

    HellFirePvP New Member

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    Now i'm interested. What did not work? Any crash-report there?
  7. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    also on the note of that mym only has one pack with it on
    and that is because that pack is a skyblock modpack there for it needed a way to open them and im sure the modpack creator tested it
  8. tommypoints

    tommypoints Well-Known Member

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    1:07 AM
    Would it be possible to link the outer lands to the farm world rather than the overworld?

    If so, then when farm resets drop all claims in farm (if it doesn't already). Have outerlands reset at the same time.

    This would also make claiming an obelisks less critical as well as open up the resources like the boss room ancient stone to be renewable.
  9. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    5:07 AM
    so make it so you can just teleport there
    there goes any real reason to do eldritch as you can just go there with out the research
  10. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Wouldn't work due to the way the mod is coded, it would be looking for the outerlands dimension in the overworld folder rather then the farmworld
  11. HellFirePvP

    HellFirePvP New Member

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    6:07 AM
    Just wanted to drop in here again~

    Gadomancy's outer lands dimension was specifically designed to solve the issue with the thaumcraft mazes on bigger servers with limited space (or at least that was my primary reason).
    So, if any moderator/admin or anyone that has the interest and "enough" permissions to fix this issue with gadomancy's option, please send me a pm here or on curse and i'll assist you guys to fix this in case it crashes or doesn't work as expected.

  12. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    Biggest problem with this, would require everyone to download gadomancy to their launcher and that's a huge problem for people playing on launchers like FTB or curse since they might not even know how to add mods and altering the pack from its original design probably won't be a good idea.
  13. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    no that would just require a map update that's the best part of having a custom one
  14. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    Installing a mod that you need both on client and server? Or is gadomancy something that you can have and not need to join with the mod on client?
  15. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    for other servers yes but since civ has come up with this exact problem and since it is a custom pack
  16. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    10:07 PM
    I am talking about ALL Thaumcraft servers not just one, you can ask booker since he is the current admin in charge of civilization but this probably won't happen on other servers

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