Done Astro Miner

Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by LeadedJester, Mar 10, 2019.

  1. LeadedJester

    LeadedJester Well-Known Member

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    10:04 PM
    So this is kind of something that I know most players probably don't strive for, but it is still a potentially very useful tool. My main question would be, is the astro miner even obtainable and is it allowed? I looked through the banned items list and didn't see anything regarding this device. I also tried searching the moon for cheese ore (which is a required item to craft it) to no avail for a good moment of time. If anyone has any info regarding this and/or how to find the ore necessary to make the astro miner, I would be very grateful.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    11:04 PM
    There is cheese on the moon so I know that exists. The astro miner I want to say was disabled by @caithleen if he pops by he can tell us. I think I had a similar goal when I was actively pursuing this pack and I never ended up building it.
  3. LeadedJester

    LeadedJester Well-Known Member

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    10:04 PM
    I was just thinking that that would be a cool alternative to the ender quarry, and from what I read barely affects performance as far as lag goes.
  4. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    11:04 PM
    Don't really see anything else needed on this post so gonna mark as done. Let us know if you need anything else!

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