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B Team World Reset or World border expand?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by THEULTIMAT3BULL, Aug 5, 2017.


Reset/World Barrior Extend/Left Alone

  1. Reset B Team

  2. Extend World Barrior

  3. Do Nothing

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  1. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    9:42 PM
    Redwoods can't be banned any further, the saplings are banned and you can't choose for them not to spawn wildly
  2. nwilki01

    nwilki01 Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    You cant greif with redwoods but you ccan greif yourself
    you cant place a redwood sapling close enough to a claim to destroy it
  3. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    3:42 AM
  4. nwilki01

    nwilki01 Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    I planted some near my base and in my base xD
    the places that are claimed well around
    says I cant plant it there I have to be at least so it does not touch the claim
    [doublepost=1502820394][/doublepost]and further
    [doublepost=1502820412][/doublepost]about 20ish blocks away from claim
  5. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

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    Local Time:
    9:42 PM
    Huh there not banned on bteam?!
  6. nwilki01

    nwilki01 Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    not banned but you can only destroy claims that you are trusted to
    Ik this because I did it to myself and of course I am trusted at my base
  7. Kinslayer97

    Kinslayer97 New Member

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    9:42 PM
    extend the border if you reset im not coming back spent to much time on everything
    [doublepost=1502927476,1502926335][/doublepost]ok ive been discussing it with my friends and i have some requests if there is a reset if these get done id keep playing and i think others would too who are far along
    1. a 2 week warning for when the reset will happen
    2. we keep everything in echest and inventory aswell as our magic and genes
    3. if possible we'd like to see our town transferred over as we just built it and its a huge series of underwater domes and took a ton of time
    4. personally i think a good thing to do is have a safe dimension from reset like a small second overworld that we can transfer things to before the reset (maybe even space stations altho that would block some people form using it) and then we have like 2 weeks after reset to move to the new reset world before that safe dimension goes away
    5. just because i know people are going to think about doing it as i did just a few minutes ago if you do the resets leave a how-to on strong boxes and backpacks so people dont crash themselves permanently trying to fit too much into their inventory
    6. you should hold a official vote before you make any decisions so everyone has a chance to have their voice heard
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:42 PM
    1. Yes of course we would give you a two week lead time for the reset.
    2. Unlikely as it would probably be a hard reset therefore player data would be reset, but not impossible
    3. Not going to happen, this would cause a thousand transfer me too requests, and would be time consuming to do
    4. Nope
    5. Inventories would likely not be saved see #2 about a hard reset
    6. Maybe? If we were to reset B-Team it would likely be an internal decision to do it for performance reasons etc. While you are welcome to conduct a poll, which has been done here doesn't mean we will be beholden to it either. Now put down your pitchforks and torches.. it isn't because we don't care, but ultimately we have to take into consideration all the variables of a reset, this includes players who just don't visit the forums no matter how much we ask. To base a network effecting decision on the vocal minority would make us the Blizzard corporation! (shots fired)

    The staff all love B-Team, and we'd like to see it continue to thrive and grow, but a reset no matter how painful maybe necessary to ensure that it does grow and thrive. We've recently reset popular modpacks to ensure that new players can still find a home here, and these resets are never taken lightly, nor are the removal of older packs to make room for new ones. So where I would do everything I can to ensure a smooth and happy transition there are limitations placed on us in regards to time technology and other factors. You can rest assured if the status of a server is going to change the forums will always provide an update.
  9. Kinslayer97

    Kinslayer97 New Member

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    9:42 PM
    thanks for your response so quick now i can stop building resonant strong boxes lol and ok so its going to be a full reset then if it happens i know you cant say for sure but you must have experience with this being an admin how likely would you consider a full bteam reset to be in the near future? also just to confirm there will be no way to bring anything over most likely?
  10. Slowfeed

    Slowfeed Well-Known Member

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    9:42 PM
    One voice may not be enough but I'm sure a bloody essay will be a nice addition to this post. I have no idea the procedure that occurred on the last reset that had occurred but most of the desires y'all are putting are a beautiful plead with ever dwindling chances of occurring. Keeping inventory, genes, etc. is I'm sure very easy to do but one of the major complaints about Bteam other than the vast immaturity and idiocy of the players is the constant latency. It plagues the ticket system with complaints on most mym servers so keeping the inventory would not help because I can fit all my items from all my claims into around 6 resonant strong boxes (72 inventory positions) which if I truly wanted to could I could set up a system to replicate the servers current latency levels in less than 30 minutes; if we want to fix the latency have a restart. Keeping how your base/space base is currently would obviously not help latency with any regards. Also, if we do keep inventory the chances of accidental duplication or players complaining about not having their tinkers tools or a vague material would plague the ticket system; for those who don't know tinker tools don't like to comply all the time and will turn into wooden variants of themselves and lose all upgrades you put on them. If you are worried about new players finding a home or want to be in a beautiful area that is the point of Minecraft, make a place your personal home. I've probably spent the better part of a year and a half claiming my land so that I know I'll be safe of damaged areas. Do I care if it gets reset, no, do I find it mind boggling that you are worrying about what people did to a terrain and that you won't fix it to make it pretty again, YES. The point of Minecraft for builders is to make an area pretty, whether it be a building, pixel block art, a garden, a hobbit hole, or anything your imagination allows to be thought of to be built. If you are complaining about an area not looking nice and not to how you like it, rebuild it to make it better. To think that people are complaining about subjects they can fix themselves is petty if someone actually enjoys the AOTB mod pack they will stay and actually play on the server. New players generally don't stay on the server because they are in one of a few categories: Too lazy to actually learn a mod pack they don't know, get mad that it's not like that one server they played on, not like banned items/rules, or the community doesn't hold their hand every step of the way. The terrain has very little leverage over whether a player stays on or leaves the server.

    To summarize, the only valid complaint I've seen on the server wasn't even addressed in this forum post of the latency on the AOTB server which is most likely due to an average of 15 to 25 players on the server at a time. If a restart does occur I and I'm sure many other people such as the staff team or at minimum wyndman agree that keeping anything is at a low percent chance of occurring due to the work that would occur for the player data to transfer, not to mention how the decision would be made to decide who's inventory to keep. The major complaint on this feed is one that is more of a player issue and not one of a server issue, something along the lines of "oh I don't like the place I'm not gonna stay on this server" is almost insane to think of that that is how new players are thinking or even the "experienced builders" who honestly if they say that are just lazy builders. As amazing as it would be for staff to be able to go around the overworld and find out who has been destroying the land which is against the rules would be fantastic to have but it would just be a mind numbing task to do which would ruin the beloved staffs experience more than the players experience.

    Personally I think that keeping the server the same would be fine due to the fact that the same issues would occur just as fast as they did previously because those new players who the people on the forums are becoming martyrs for are the same ones who are destorying the overworld because they don't read the rules *DUN DUN DUN*. A reset would most likely anger the silent majority causing them to either ruin the new world or not want to play anymore because of how far they progressed into the mod pack.
    nwilki01 and Kinslayer97 like this.
  11. Kinslayer97

    Kinslayer97 New Member

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    9:42 PM
    yes i agree with slowfeed completely thats why i am not in favor of a reset as it really doesnt solve much except to make players who have worked very hard start over and offer a clean looking overworld which would last about 2 months until it was back to how it is now and id also like to add that new players have the farm world to find things they need which are gone in overworld and i think that bteam has been running rather smoothe recently im not sure what you all did but there have been much less lag/crash events recently on the server
  12. nwilki01

    nwilki01 Well-Known Member

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    8:42 PM
    slowfeed omg so long , but I agree xD
  13. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    3:42 AM
  14. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

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    9:42 PM
    Mym has never had a reset while keeping items right?
  15. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:42 PM
    We've moved players to new nodes and moved data for players, but in a true hard reset not while I have been here.
  16. Foyiwae

    Foyiwae Member

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    2:42 AM
    I would love a reset, I've been searching for a plot to build but there is nowhere. A nice piece of land I can build on would be lovely. It's gotten to the point where I'm looking at joining somewhere else, as I cannot find space at all!
  17. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

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    Local Time:
    9:42 PM
  18. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    3:42 AM
    Shitposting for decapitatiom

    THEULTIMAT3BULL Well-Known Member

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    9:42 PM
    Okay, so Ive been off for 2 weeks or so. Where is the reset? I do recall a admin saying, "I will add this to the to do list" yet, its still not been done?
  20. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

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    9:42 PM
    Ok bud admins have other more important work to be doing and did that confirm it?!? Not exactly sure, but be patient.

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