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Banned words

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Boom39, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    on the contrary, i do get where your coming from, but the rules have been set in place to keep everyone (or most people) happy, i was merely suggesting another way to vent rather than swearing, which is frowned upon
  2. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    9:40 PM
    As stated above, I believe a list of words would cause problems. People would say words not on the list, and then complain if a moderator told them not to. So a list is rather pointless, in my opinion.

    Secondly, I wonder why you even need a list? This is a PG server. not a PG-13 server. No cursing at all. Surely you know that words like Piss, Damn, Hell (when not talking about a location) are curse words, correct?

    You can also take it as a learning experience. If you say something, and a moderator asks you not to say that word, then don't say that word.
    Ladysarajane likes this.
  3. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    this server is pg 5-8 (12)
  4. Ladysarajane

    Ladysarajane Member

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    I agree with no swear words in chat on a server at all and that posting a list would cause more trouble. I used to be a moderator on a child's site and people, esp the adults and late teens would always try to find a way to get around the censor list then argue that it wasn't on the censor list, although with the list was always the disclaimer that any form of those words would NOT be tolerated along with the notation that the moderator is always right.(another words don't argue with the moderator in chat.) I agree that there should be a "warning system" because there are times that some words that may not be a curse word to you but is in another culture. Something like 5 warnings in a month time before punitive action, except on certain words that are grounds for immediate remediable action.

    Personally when I play on a server, I never find the need to curse in chat. Maybe to myself but that is it. Curse only when it is appropriate and that isn't in chat and personally I don't like it on forums either.
    Rebelborn likes this.
  5. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    The rule basically states (don't quote me) that there is to be no swearing what so ever. As well as any avoide of the filter is prohibited. So instead of the word piss if a player were to say p!ss you would still be told off for it.

    In saying that, MyM has always been a PG server, not PG-12 as it may seem at times, more so a U or "Universal" rating as swearing/profanity/vulgarity of ANY kind is prohibited. A list has been created (not sure if it is public, more so for staff use, reason being if in public eye, MyM wouldn't be very family friendly) but shouldn't be put into public.

    In my opinion, people just need a little maturity and common sense that their is a 80% chance that there is a child under the age of 16 in the server with you.
  6. super_why

    super_why Patron Tier 2

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    okay first off, in pg13 movies, you cant use that word, also damn is considered a swear word "Category:English swear words - Wiktionary" theres a link including all swears, even the C word isnt in the blacklist, but noob is? i dont understand this filter/blackslist at all tbh
  7. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    Last edited: Oct 22, 2015
  8. Boom39

    Boom39 New Member

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    alright now as a speific case would using what is considered bad words in a private chat with someone else that is ok with using them still be against the rules
  9. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    if you talk to a friend over /msg who is okay with you swearing, its not against the rules.
  10. super_why

    super_why Patron Tier 2

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    the thing is, the filter blocks out swears in /msg too on bteam
  11. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    i see no problem with blanking them in chat, but maybye not in msg so much seems to be the point here, im for it
  12. super_why

    super_why Patron Tier 2

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    im all for it not being blocked in msg, i for one actually think the whole filter needs an update tbh...
  13. JacaRoe

    JacaRoe Well-Known Member

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    Simply put: Profanity is a symptom of an immature vocabulary.

    If something is worth saying using curse words - especially bypassing a filter to do so - certainly one could use that same energy to express themselves in a mature manner, devoid of profanity.

    Yes, I am a parent who hears profanity all over my world. My children also hear it - on the television, the radio, and yes, - even sometimes from me. I would expect that they could log on their games without being exposed to that same profanity they get everywhere else in the world.

    All that being said, I'll be the first one to let a PG-ish word get by me in chat, and I generally won't reprimand someone unless the cursing becomes repeated and offensive. However, not all moderators are as liberal, and they are well within their rights to warn players using profanity in chat.

    If you want to fight for a cause, there are much more important things out here that you can fight for...the item refund policy, for instance, a debate on which has already been started. ;)
  14. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    theres nothing wrong with the refund polocy, unless of course it is due to a bug or error that was not the fault of the victim or where stolen, and i completely agree with jacaroe
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    off topic
  16. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    no, MOSTLY off topic, i was agreeing with jaca that it would be best to use this debating energy for something more... profound, and important really, im not saying this isnt important, im just saying its not really nescesary, i mean if there where swearing kids would be told to stop playing, whereas if there isnt there is no REAL negative effects other than a few censored words in chat now and then *whistles*
  17. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    no, 12+ has nudity and mild language. More like 7+. Which also has nudity. But no swearing. But since there is no nudity on the server, probably more of a 3+.

    Your off topic comment is off topic.
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    nudity? nudity is why PG-13 was made, before it was classified as R, just an FYI
  19. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    I was going by the link posted above.

    PEGI - Ratings Wiki Guide - IGN
  20. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    As much as i know what i'm about to say is offtopic, it's only offtopic by the slightest. i cannot stand the "gonna" "wanna" and other "onna" censors. they're pointless. i kmean if you want good grammar, don't go and censor words people use. you'll end up turning sentences like "I'm gonna go mine", which sounds normal, to "I'm going go mine" which makes people sound weird. i, personally, sound weird when i see myself type in that manner. honestly, it's just people being a bit too strict on words. just because a word isn't in the dictionary, doesn't mean you have to change it.

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