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Bee Happy - Starter Tutorial

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by Sandstroem, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Patron Tier 3

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    Starter tutorial for BeeHappy


    This pack is based around bees. Everything you do, will be done with bees. You produce your resources with bees.

    Since there are some common pitfalls at the start of the pack, I decided to write a short introduction and give some tipps.

    Some basic rules first:

    • If you don't like bees, do not play this pack.
    • If you do not like forestry bees, you might still have a look, since this pack is heavily based around gendustry.

    Starting tipps:

    The first questline basically splits up into two parts. On the left side you have a couple of quests giving you a short introduction into how Gendustry works. There are some dead ends you can run into there quite fast. The right side of that chapter is a lot of grindy stuff, which gives you some basic machines you will need to progress.

    Some general tipps here:

    • You will take some time to be able to craft machines yourself. Do not lose your stuff.
    • Do not break machines with a pickaxe, you might lose them. The MyM BeeStarter gives you a free Crescent Hammer.
    • Check out all the help quests in the chapters. You get some useful stuff there, e.g. an additional Crescent Hammer.
    • I recommend getting into the right side of the quests first. You will get some Tier 3 Solar panels. Only use them for setting up the pulverizer, the Lava fabricator and the furnace. You also get a sawmill, you can use it for getting more planks out of your logs, but I think it is not that necessary. Later use the Sawmill with Rubberlogs to get additional rubber.
    • The bee tutorial (left side) gives you industrial apiaries. Do not use them directly. The reason is simple: They need a ton of RF, draw your power empty and you will have to wait long to get the right side of the chapter done. Especially since solar panels do not work at night and in rain. It is much easier to do the grinding on the right side, then do the tutorial on the left side. Finish chapter 1 and move on.
    • The nether is not that important in the pack. You can access it very early to get some netherrack. Pulverize it into gravel for the quest. This is much easier than pulverizing cobble for gravel.
    • A later quest in chapter 1 gives you Solar panels Tier 5. I recommend those for your Industrial apiaries. Keep this system separated from your other stuff.
    • Don't ask for a refund if you throw your stuff over the edge. You probably have to start over. mym.li/refunds
    • Use an obsidian hatchet.
    • The MyM version of the starter platform contains one piece of gravel. Punch it until you get Flint if you want to start with a flint pickaxe instead of a wooden one.
    • You get a couple of metal ingots in the first chapter. Unless you combine them with some MyM donor kits to craft a machine, you should not waste them. There is not much you can craft with them at this point. A good use for them later would be a second template, which you cannot get before you have bees producing Tin nuggets.
    The tutorial questline:
    • Especially in the bee tutorial line (left side) READ THE QUESTBOOK CAREFULLY.
    • The tutorial is usually set up in a way that quest X gives you stuff, tells you what to do with it, then the NEXT quest X+1 wants the stuff back and some product you made. It gives you then new stuff and new instructions. This is a bit contrary to the usual questbook setups, where quest X tells you what to do and hand in in the SAME quest.
    • The first quest gives you an Industrial Apiary. You can try it out or not, doesn't matter, you hand it back in in the next quest.
    • The next quest gives you a forest and meadows bee. Breed them together in the mutatron and select the first common queen in the mutatron.
    • Take the common queen out of the industrial apiary, before you hand that one in. Very well known dead end here.
    • The quest which introduces the Genetic Sampler gives you a trait sample, which you need to put on the template, then put it on the rocky drone you get in the quest. Do not use the sample you took in the quest before. This is also clearly stated in the questbook. If you use the wrong sample, you will not be able to hand in the modified rocky bee. Even worse, while trying to hand in the wrong rocky drone, you just also handed in the Genetic Sampler and the Genetic Imprinter, so you can't even fix it. At this point you could wait until you get both machines in later quests, and then get back to this quest to get the correct drone. I haven't tried that.
    • READ THE QUESTBOOK CAREFULLY. I guess I mentioned that before, didn't I?
    • Don't worry about the nice stuff you have to give back during the tutorial, you will get it back soon.
    Some tipps for later:
    • You can experiment with your bees and your Gene Sampler, but don't waste too much Lab ware and samples before you have bees, that produce redstone, glowstone and diamonds. I did not have any problems with the amount you get from quests, but I can see problems if you waste too much.
    • You can grab glowstone from the nether, if you really run out.
    • Sometimes you need to get a certain product to finish a quest. So you have to create a certain bee. The shop questline sells you a lot of hive bees and some minor bees. Have a look whether you can get rid of some of your unneeded combs to get more princesses there. I recommend buying each one anyway to get 100% in this questline.
    • You can start with the Botania questline if you have some spare time, but will need a higher bee very fast there, which requires further improvement in other areas.
    Some stuff about bee breeding

    If you want to breed a new type of bee and put your fancy sample on it, the queen might revert to inactive traits and you get a lot of different drones after that. The mutatron always produces a pure bee of a specific type. You can look up the traits in NEI.

    To get the correct result I suggest the following procedure: (example bronze bee)
    • Breed a copper princess and a tin drone (or vice versa) together in the mutatron. You get a pure bronze queen.
    • At this point you can put a template on it, this will eventually revert. I suggest a "Effects:None" template in case your queen has a negative effect. In the bronze queen example it doesn't, so we just skip this step.
    • Put the queen into an apiary, leave out the automation. You get a princess and a drone. Possibly they have reverted some traits.
    • Put your fancy template with all the nice traits you collected on both princess and drone and put them back into the apiary. They make a new queen, which now has the same active and inactive traits, at least for the ones that you changed.
    • Once you get the bee analyzer, you can always check the traits more easily.
    Famous last words:

    The tipps/ideas are not just from me, they have been collected by a couple of players in the FTB forum thread of the pack. I just wrote down the ones that I think are important to not run into some dead ends. You find more information in the starting post there. It contains a collection of tipps and tricks and some links.

    [1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees | Feed the Beast

    Check out Delgars Let's Play of BeeHappy:

    Finally a shoutout goes to jtmnf for creating this pack with its unique idea.

    This thread is not meant to be a full grown tutorial, more like a short starter guide to avoid some traps.
    If you have comments, feel free to add them, I might introduce them into the tutorial.

    If you have questions or comments, just leave a post
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2021
    Punane, Shizucc, W0lfMan26 and 4 others like this.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    WilliamSuger and Ash00182 like this.
  3. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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  4. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    You could bee a bit funnier with them :/
    WilliamSuger likes this.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    beeing quite funny here eh'?
  6. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Yes, but there's no need to drone on about it.
  7. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    OOHHHHHH YOU BEE BURNED BY THE ICY ONE! Lets just hope that the princess doesnt use you for the queen!

    (Chugga is 1 post away from being at 4k (or 4m (where his knowledge lies)))
  8. Saint_Ceadda

    Saint_Ceadda Well-Known Member

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    Thank you, Sandstroem, for your helpful tips to starting in Bee Happy.
  9. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Patron Tier 3

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    Thanks. Feel free to post further problems you ran into. I am planning to improve the tutorial this evening, since I noticed a lot of players struggling with some things in the first chapter. Also I might add another epic bee quote. :D
  10. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    You need to do the TODOs and its the left side, not right side....
  11. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Patron Tier 3

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    Yeah, I forgot to do that yesterday, hopefully I will update it today. ^^[DOUBLEPOST=1450173052,1450171394][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Hm, what do you mean? Can't find anything.

    EDIT: I updated the tutorial. I introduced a new section for the bee tutorial questline. I might need to add questnames later there, cant check them ingame right now.

    Also there was a wrong description of the bee breeding mechanic, I introduced a new section there as well.

    What did you mean with "left side, not right side"? Could not find anything wrong.

    Please let me know if something is unclear, wrong or if you have suggestions that I might add.
  12. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    So, why does the quest give us an industrial apiary to start with instead of, say, a bee house? I only used it to get the honeycombs to build some bee houses, then I took it down and stopped using it. It seems useless in comparison to them, especially since we don't have any frames to start with.
  13. CommonExplosion

    CommonExplosion Well-Known Member

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    Industrial apiaries can be modified with upgrades. (You get a lot of them from quests) This makes them far better than normal apiaries. They do however require power to run.
  14. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Patron Tier 3

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    The first tutorial gives you an industrial to check it out and hand it back in, so basically that is it. (I think the tutorial questline is more confusing than useful, since you learn all the stuff in the restaurant questline anyway)

    Later you can also use normal Apiaries, which don't use power, as CommonExplosion already mentioned. But I think with those Solar 5 panels you get, power is not really an issue.
  15. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    The problem is that you basically have to sit on the industrial for a bit to get the combs to make a bee house so that you can keep your bees going when you've turned in the industrial. Would be nice to even get a single bee house when you turn in the industrial, or even as part of the starter kit.
  16. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Patron Tier 3

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    Hm, ok I only started using Industrials after the tutorial quest. The first one in the tutorial quest I handed in directly.

    I also used the first combs for making a dozen of bee houses, but after I had like 8 Industrials running I retired the bee houses into a chest.
  17. diamondmaster555

    diamondmaster555 New Member

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    Industrials are my go-to bee production, creater, breeder, thingy. The ability to fully customize the productivity and such makes it infinitely more useful than a Bee House. Sure, they are more expensive, but the amount you get from quests outweighs that issue. Also I recommend getting through the tutorial quests quickly, with the right side ones being quests you, leave to the side.

    Also I don't need to hear a swarm of bee puns
  18. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Patron Tier 3

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    Problem with the tutorial quest is that it drains your power directly. Those apiaries and genetic samplers and things use a lot of power. If you then hit night or some days of rain it will take quite a while to get all that gravel and sand pulverized. And also the lava from the fabricator takes a while. That is why I recommend working on the right side until you get the Solar Panel Tier 5, which you then can combine with your bee machines. But as usual there are many ways to do things.
  19. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Way I started off was to switch between the 1st and second quest line then move down the list. Till which I left Magic till last. And that's how I completed Bee Happy[DOUBLEPOST=1451916354][/DOUBLEPOST]Also I went for the yellorium bees as soon as I could so I could build the big reactor to give my bees some juice overnight, as my bees worked 24h unlike some peoples 12 hour bees. Plus OFFLINE CHUBK LOADERS are a godsend get one down as soon as possible by your bees. Make sure all the smeltery is in the same chunk too

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