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Bosslykpeter Ban

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, Jan 28, 2016.

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  1. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    1:09 AM
    im not arguing im just pointing out some points :D and im a adult just as to point out :p
  2. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    1:09 AM
    hope your not talking about me
  3. Luphadir

    Luphadir Well-Known Member

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    2:09 AM
    No dovahpork my comment wasn't pointed @you at all ;-)
  4. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    1:09 AM
    good good
    but i still think this whole thing is stupid
    i mean im new to the scene but i'm sure that this is a community and not a civil war
  5. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

    Likes Received:
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    6:09 PM
    I gotta say, never been banned before. First offense. that is all.
  6. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    8:09 PM
    Are you sure lord fungi because heres what the logs say


    10 months ago ******* MineYourMind Network

    Reason: violent profanity is not tolerated here
    Unbanned 10 months ago by Console.
  7. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    1:09 AM
    Just drop it and come back a better person jeeeeeesssss
  8. jay2144

    jay2144 Active Member

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    9:09 PM
    if this is a temp ban just serve out your ban if this is a perm ban then how about we try to make this a two month temp ban or something like that I think that would be fair to everyone and this fight would be ended
  9. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    1:09 AM
    He's temp banned for 14 days for claim bypass as I understand
  10. jay2144

    jay2144 Active Member

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    9:09 PM
    well then bossly just take your ban and move on its not perm but with the way things are looking it might become a perm ban
  11. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    2:09 AM
    Ist 1 week
  12. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    1:09 AM
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

    Likes Received:
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    9:09 PM
    • Reason: claim bypass killing/graverobbing
      Expires on 1 week from now.

    • Banned
      1 week ago MineYourMind Network

      Reason: Bypass of server restrictions
      Unbanned 5 days ago by
    • Warned
      1 month ago MineYourMind Network

    • Muted
      2 months ago MineYourMind Network

      Reason: Continuing argument
      Unmuted 2 months ago by Console.

    • Muted
      2 months ago MineYourMind Network

      Reason: 5m
      Unmuted 2 months ago by

    • Warned
      2 months ago MineYourMind Network

      Do not cuss in global
    There's the list of what happened, official, don't ask how i got it, i won't say ;)
  14. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    9:09 PM
    Let me clear one thing up that quite a few people replying in this post have gotten very wrong. Those two were banned for 2 weeks for ONE act, and ONE act only. This ban did not reflect any past actions, nor did it include extra time. Bosslykpeter & LordFungi both got the same punishment for this once incident because I felt it was a necessary punishment for the wrongdoing in THIS CASE ONLY.

    I was the one handling the ticket that came in from Luphadir about the rite of transposition summoning him outside of his claim.
    I was the one who consulted with my peers on the issue as we did not have any specific rules in place to handle this type of behavior.
    I was the one, who in the end, decided on the two weeks for BOTH.

    To be fair if I were to account for past infractions in this decision bossly would have been permanently banned, and I did request perma ban on my reports because of them. But he is NOT perma banned at this time.

    What's going on in these pages is nothing but back and forth arguing about a past issue that was closed and done. bossly your ban was only 2 days for that, you did that time, and its over. Continuing to hash it out doesn't help your appeal to have your CURRENT ban lifted. (The ban that has nothing to do with your previous.)

    Stop comparing the two bans as if they are the same thing, and please stop assuming that you are banned AGAIN for something you did BEFORE.

    If you want to be angry at someone, then I would suggest you file the complaint towards me for doing my job since I was the one who banned both you and LordFungi. It was my decision to give you two weeks. No one else should be a target for your anger.

    And furthermore, all of this could have been handled very differently. Had the process of appeal been allowed to happen rather than constant pushing and pulling of opinions of many.. You may be unbanned by now.
  15. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    8:09 PM
    <3 Great mod
    If he reports you and u get in trouble i'm done
  16. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    1:09 AM
    I am not angry at anyone but the time it took to fully explain the ban was way to long and it is rather frustrating this is new to me i have never been banned for so long you did your job and i understand that but it could have really been handled differently the rules were unclear my previous ban whether u may admit it or not had an inpact on the 2 weeks and that is my issue

    i really do apologies for my behavior as i have many times before i have acted in a child like manor there was no need for spam and that is just not cool i should have know better.Ii should have known that the whole witchery thing would have had me banned but i didn't shoot me for i have made a mistake.We all make mistakes and thats the best way to learn but if you ask me if this was intentional or anyone else my answer is no of course not why would i do this knowing i would get banned this is just a silly misunderstanding of the situation

    i am not "comparing" the two bans i am just pointing out the fact that the ban that was made accused me of "hacking" and there for stained my reputation as u said your self "To be fair if I were to account for past infractions" from my understanding your referring to this .
    I was wrongly accused of wrong doing at i will prove some how that i did not change my client configuration.

    To sum up my little rant i am sorry Luphadir i went to far

    i currently am not mad/angry at anyone for banning me but what i am angry about is the way it was handled the way my threads were closed the way i was ignored the way i am still being blamed for not talking to the man him self at midnight the day before school but i understand that your all just human-beings and because of that i will not judge your errors
  17. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

    Likes Received:
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    9:09 PM
    Honestly if I were you, I'd be happy Lucid closed those threads. I'd had some pretty scathing replies stockpiled If I got to comment before Lucid closed. Also @StaffWhoCantBeTagged any chance this can be closed? I feel this is probably going to evolve into a nicer version of a flamewar and were not going anywhere with these circles.
  18. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    1:09 AM
    agreed i see no point of this being open anymore i got all the answers i was looking for
    johnfg10 likes this.
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