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Implemented Bring Witchery Back #SaveWitchery #WeWantWitch (MyM Galaxies)

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by widecool888, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Padson

    Padson Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:07 PM
    Still, there is no way to change the biome into Magical Forest, or any other BoP Biome
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    3:07 PM
    yhea with ANY mod afaik so what is your point there?
  3. Padson

    Padson Well-Known Member

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    8:07 PM
    with witchery you could^^
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    3:07 PM
  5. Padson

    Padson Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:07 PM
    Check out the book of biomes, you'll see.
    Theres almost every biome possible even from BoP and the other Biomes Mod (forgot its name)
  6. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    8:07 PM
    IDEA, have 2 serveres, A pvp server where NO mods are banned.
    Then a PvE server where all the carebears can play where you disable all Witchery, Guns, Projectiles, explosions...ect

    Just let people know on PvP they must use Protection poppets...ect
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2014
  7. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:07 PM
    Um... No. It changes the actual biome id.
  8. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    7:07 PM
    For the record, Random Things mod adds this which should work for any biome:
  9. Padson

    Padson Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:07 PM
    K, theres no real information about the Gaia's Transformation ritual.
    The wiki says that it needs 8 Arcane Plinths where the items go into, to change the humidity.
    I googled for about an hour now, and i couldnt find where the *swear* i place those Arcane plinths -.-

    And yea chaosblade3, as soon as you wrote that i was happy. But then i tried the item, and it only changes 1 Block per charge. Sadly :D

    Edited By Bennyboy1695: Same rules apply on the forums as they do in game, No Swearing Please
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2014
  10. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    2:07 PM
    An hour... Really?

    Found THIS in under 10 seconds

    And Next... A picture of the ritual setup.

    Finally, let me break it down for you barney style!
    • Select a large flat area for the ritual, the perfered size is at max 21 x 21 blocks
    • Place the Master ritual stone dead center of the area, and build the ritual.
    • BEFORE placing the plinths, place a block of water on top of the master ritual stone.
    • To the NSEW, on the last block of water, place another block of water.
    • At the end of the second water flow, ON the water, Place a Large bloodstone block.
    • Square out the area with bloodstone blocks.
      • A one 1x1 block wall around the border
      • Place the blocks ONE block ABOVE the level of the MRS.
    • Remove the water
    • Place the plinths down.
    • Put the items in the ritual and
    • Activate to change the Biome!
    List of BIOME Information
    Sand: humidity - 0.1
    Sandstone: humidity - 0.2
    Netherrack: humidity - 0.4
    Lapis: humidity + 0.1
    Water bucket: humidity + 0.2
    Lapis block: humidity + 0.4

    Coal: temperature + 0.1
    Coal block: temperature + 0.2
    Lava bucket: temperature + 0.4
    Snow ball: temperature - 0.1
    Snow block: temperature - 0.2
    Ice block: temperature - 0.4

    The typing of the post took longer then the finding of the information.
    Ahbahl likes this.
  11. Padson

    Padson Well-Known Member

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    8:07 PM
    Yea, right.
    Swearings aren't allowed, right. But beeing passive aggressive and acting arrogant is?
    Sure you helped me, but how you did it.

    And btw, i found that aswell, but as soon as i open it i get an 404 on the link.
    You surely think im that stupid that i didnt check the post in the first place.

    This post took so long, because i had think about different words. All i know are swearings ~Kappa
    Slind and Lawmonark like this.
  12. Ahbahl

    Ahbahl Patron Tier 2

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    8:07 PM
    Fixed. All the water shenanigans are unnecessary. Master Ritual doesnt need to be dead center and you dont need a flat area either. I build my ritual at ~y150 because agrarian skies so I didnt do the water and the platform.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  13. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

    Likes Received:
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    2:07 PM
    • True, swearing is not allowed, and as you noticed, I didn't swear. :)
    • Being passive aggressive and acting arrogant is allowed, but then again you take what I said in the way you want to take it, and not necessarily as I meant it. There is no way for you to infer my tone of voice from a written post, so you take it the way you think somebody (as in me) would reply. Says more of you then me. That being said....
    • Yes, that post was written a bit smart-alecky, and I did not mean to offend you. (Not that I really care if you were or not, but offending you was not my intention.) It was written more of a joke then anything else, and I hope you will accept my apology for offending you if I did.
    • Mainly I considered it as being very descriptive and walking somebody who was having issues with something through it so they could be successful.
    True, water is unnecessary. BUT it makes it easier to find the edges the first time you are doing it. And also true the ritual stone does not need to be in the center, again it just makes it easier as does doing it on a flat surface. And congrats on getting it to work!
    rasgriz34 likes this.
  14. Padson

    Padson Well-Known Member

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    8:07 PM
    Nevermind, all i wanted to know was where the Plinths belong to, and the one picture that could explain it wouldn't work for me.
    The rest i figured already.

    And nah, you didn't offend me, it's the interwebs, i just hadn't a good day :p

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