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CF:No Refund Policy

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by LucidTheStick, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    I meant it as a hypothetical situation... Not reality
  2. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    While i agree no refunds i think it would be interesting to see a new server staff option: "Replacer" (Cheesy yes)
    Basically when someone requests a refund its run by a Replacer who is not told who is requesting a refund, but decides if they are willing to make/giveup that item to replace the player who lost one.
    I dunno, just a random thought that came into my head.
  3. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    Darn right I would. But that is single player, it affects only me, and not other players. Are you going to be mad that I replaced some super awesome item I lost in a world you don't play on or even know about?

    On server? I suck it up unless it's something like a Botania relic. I actually had the issue of one of mine disappeared. Because it's one of those things that can only be fixed by getting the achievement reset, I did submit a ticket. I still had to fight Gaia II to get it back.

    Overall though, as a player, I really feel MyM's policy is fair. Sometimes there's just no way of telling who had what, and if Player A gamed the system and got something that shouldn't have been replaced, and Player B didn't get his replaced... There's hard feelings there. And that builds up over time.
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  4. Tinnel

    Tinnel Well-Known Member

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    The no refund policy is harsh.

    It is also fair.

    If it is a one time craftable etc etc. Then it should be looked into.

    i died due to server lag
    gimme free stuffz

    Please leave it alone.
  5. QuickDropzMC

    QuickDropzMC New Member

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    I agree with the no-refund policy, but sometimes it can be a burden to players. Such as server crashes due to other players causing people to lose their items and hardwork! It is a good policy but should be pardoned on some circumstances, such a safezone pvp-bypassing & crashes or glitches
  6. night3y3s

    night3y3s chaotic constructor

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    The no-refund policy could be changed, and turned into a policy that requires responsibility from both staff and players, if a player claims to have lost items, they should be able to prove it (screenshots, videos, anything that shows said item being in possession of the player) and only for one time craftables, like Tinnel said, anything else, just suck it up. It's stupid if you lose stuff, but really, it's not that big of an issue, and if you blow up your own base, it's your own fault.
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    The issue with this is, it creates a gray area and we need some sort of judge to decided.
  8. night3y3s

    night3y3s chaotic constructor

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    I believe the issue can be resolved with visual proof, if it exists, recommend all players to screenshot their end game items (or base for that matter), so when anything happens related to bugs, it would be recorded that player had certain items. Just a thought, it's probably not going to work very much, but for me it would, since I screencap everytime I get epic items.
    TL;DR, provide visual proof, get refunded?
  9. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    What if you take picture of nice new item, give it to a friend/hide it. Then you claim some glitch bugged it out and you know have 2 super good items. Would be one scenario where this could be abused
  10. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Images arent proof of WHEN or WHERE it happened though, for all we know it could have been a screenshot from a single player world that someone has taken just to get those items for free
  11. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    not if it has mym chat and it does save time and date on screenshots.
  12. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Only by name though, which can easily be renamed
  13. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    ranknames colors donors or not... I see that point but still.
  14. night3y3s

    night3y3s chaotic constructor

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    I think you can figure that out by properties when you download and open it, not entirely sure though.
  15. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    the picture idea poses another issue tho.. with ppls photo editing skills and simplicity of rigging/setting up pictures. it would just cause staff to have to spend just as much time investigating if a picrure is real or fake as it would take to figure out if a player did infact experienc a bug/glitch anyways.. i see no easy reliable way to prove or dis prove a claim of lost property here:/

    in the case of items affiliated with achivements and binding to a specific player there might pe possible to create a plugin to detect if someone crafts/obtains a certain item and log it for future reference. so in the case of a server glitch or other item eating bugs there would atleast be that log to refrence and a global prism search could maybe be used to weed out the ones trying to hide an item to get seconds.. maybe.. in an ocean of maybes.. on the planet couldbe...
  16. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    I believe the only time a refund should be allowed is if the player lost the item due to a bug/crash that happened while recording/streaming. That way there is visual proof of both the item being possessed and the item being lost.

    Other than that, I believe the no refund policy should stand.

    (Month old necro. Oh well. Topic is still valid I believe)
  17. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    That's unfair to those who are unable to stream, and will be percieved as giving "Special treatment in exchange for advertisement."
    chugga_fan and Slind like this.
  18. GoldenPalladium

    GoldenPalladium Honestly, I'm pretty much dead.

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    Not only that, but we've specifically talked about how we shouldn't give "YouTubers" special treatment. A link to that thread is here.
    LunaBlossoms likes this.

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