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Chunk Loading and Donators

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by zim3442, May 10, 2016.

  1. MyNameIsTaken

    MyNameIsTaken Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:20 PM
    Have you guys think about that's chunk loader system is a way that keep us to vote for the server. If we can get chunk loader by using credits, first server will become pay to win server, then there would be least people vote for the server and least new guy will come to the server.
  2. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    4:20 AM
    Please read the actual thread and then get back to us. We're not saying non-donors shouldn't be allowed to chunkload their bases, nor that we want the only way to get tickets for loaders, by paying real money for credits to buy them.
  3. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    4:20 AM
    you are actually wrong. you are selling actual server resources not "perks".
    Also I argueing for keeping the normal chunkloading as it is, but moving ONLY offline chunkloading to the donor perks.
    That is completly fine with the eula.
    Even more then all the rest ;-)

    thats exactly what I said/meant
    Rekalty likes this.
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I guess it also depends on how many people actually use those offline loaders. A lot of people that now vote, might still not buy a donator tier to get the offline loaders and then skip offline loading completely. But then again, less votes means lower ranking, which means fewer people coming to mym and buying new premium/donator stuff.

    Just to give some idea: I am a lazy voter, I vote sometimes 3 times a week , sometimes once in two weeks, but I still have enough tickets to keep my stuff online-loaded.
    People who are more active and care about offline loading probably vote every day. If you take away the possibility for them to get offline chunkloading from voting, they might just skip that and become one of those lazy voters like me. But of course I do not really know how much the difference in vote behaviour effects the server.

    TLDR: Keep in mind, that moving offline loading to donor perks might not end up in more donators, but only less votes, which effects the ranking and then also the number of new players and possible donators.
  5. Fez__

    Fez__ Well-Known Member

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    Not sure you need to worry about the EULA, you are selling kits for credits/rl cash anyway as do almost every other server I know, from what I have read even giving away any resource due to cash donations or purchase is against their EULA. I might be wrong but that is the gist I get from what I have read of it.
  6. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    4:20 AM
    Have you ever been on project Ozone Sandstroem? This server is funny because we are 3 online and guess what ? there is block lagg and 15 TPS with some spike. I had time when i was alone and the TPS was at 13. (and before you consider it, it's not base, my only machine is a chest & a crafting table)

    So Offline Chunkloading is not just all good.
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    4:20 AM
    unfortunately this isn't caused by chunk loaders. I already spent a day on there finding old bases that were causing issues and removing them. Not one of them had an active chunkloader. Unfortunately there is chunk leak all over the place.
  8. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    4:20 AM
    i remember you giving better news :p

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