u quote is off point i said "peeps like u are the reason bountys dont work " because getting ur friends to kill u for money is sad and stop flooding the forum with irrelevant stuff
Your quote* Sorry the teacher in my is telling me to correct that. I can guarantee that if you had a bounty John would claim it as well. It isn't irrelevant when you keep using "Im an ex mod" in your arguments. I'm sorry but I will not stop "flooding the forum" as I find it relevant. Good day kind Sir.
ok u want to have a slaging match go into other and make a post this post is clearly for wether or not killing in claims shoud be allowed thanks
Ok you want to have a slaging match go into other and make a post that is clearly whether or not killing in claims should be allowed****
Seriously, guys. Calm down and return to the subject. Attacking each other is not going to do any one any good. Regarding the topic at hand... I do not support killing in claims. Traditionally in MMORPGs, cities are safe from PVP, and if the game supports player homes, those are also protected unless the owner turns off the protection.
Dear Kazeodori, I am sorry you feel that I was relegating from the topic, that was not my intention at hand, I want this community of Civilisation to flourish but I find it hard to do so in certain circumstances, I have made my position very clear, I think in order to make the PVP element of this modpack to succeed we need two different versions, one with PVP enabled and one with PVP disabled. If people wish to disagree with this, than that is entirely within their constitutional rights to do so, I am sorry bosslykpeter if this is not in line with you apparent dictatorship