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Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Lawmonark, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. elemage

    elemage Well-Known Member

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    10:34 AM
    alot of it is underground in small to medium size bubbles. it doesnt act like oil, you can breath in it, walk through it like you were walking on land, and there are no negative effects to being in it.
  2. I_The_Sloth

    I_The_Sloth New Member

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    11:34 AM
    Yeah I found oil no problem now. But I haven't found any gold ore in an hours time. Only Rose gold ore. Mining between 12-30 I've found not a single regular gold ore.
  3. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    or minechem it
  4. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    I've found it. It's not that rare. Just look in caves and don't strip mine.[DOUBLEPOST=1450718634][/DOUBLEPOST]Though I have noticed Rose Gold appears a ton more than regular gold.
  5. I_The_Sloth

    I_The_Sloth New Member

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    I have found gold ore since these posts but I'm only finding 2 ores at a time and I luckily have ore doubling so that does add a certain "tier" feel to the game. More testing will follow but the rate could be turned up. Rose gold should be lowered if possible/replaced.
  6. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Or if possible make it so rose gold can be use as a replacement for gold

    soo if you were to make something that takes gold you could use rose gold instead if you don't have vanilla gold
  7. I_The_Sloth

    I_The_Sloth New Member

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    Or even have a recipe for 2 rosegold make 1 regular gold with minetweaks, or turn into gold in a smelter.
  8. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    Seems OP then. Rose gold is so common, gold would be too easy to get then. The rose gold ore would have to be less common then. It's fine as is. You can use rose gold to make gold as well...check it's uses.
  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    4:34 PM
    I turned down gold ore a while back... it was spawning like iron.
    Is it still too much? do you think people will want to build out of it at all?
  10. GhostRiderrr

    GhostRiderrr Well-Known Member

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    I think it is fine where the spawn rates are at since you can turn it into regular gold ingots if you don't want the rose gold.
  11. I_The_Sloth

    I_The_Sloth New Member

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    11:34 AM
    I don't see a single way to turn rose gold into gold.

    Edit: Nvm, I found it.[DOUBLEPOST=1450742641,1450737429][/DOUBLEPOST]The combat NPC's from AW2 do not recognize or target the headcrumbs mobs. They will walk right by the soldiers and kill everyone including the soldiers who don't fight back.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
    ZzConradzZ likes this.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Correct, and Headcrumbs will not attack AW2. Its meant to be like this.

    MCA guards will attack them though. So, grab one for your base.

    The reason i do not allow Headcrumbs attack AW2, and vise versa.... Well balance. For one i do not want players to lose their NPC to these mobs, since zombies and skellies already attack them.
  13. I_The_Sloth

    I_The_Sloth New Member

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    Yes but they will walk right by them and attack me. NPC's can be revived with a priest so I don't see the balance in removing their ability to attack a hostile NPC. I guarantee this will be an issue when we go live. For two reasons:

    1, people are expecting these NPC's to defend them, as well as their NPC's and people will start dieing regularly when an unlit part of base is causing them to spawn. (Pressing f7 does not show what is or isn't spawnable)

    2, What is the point of having a guard if he only attacks 2/3 of potential mobs? The headcrumbs mobs are weaker, have less health, and spawn more often. They are balanced by themselves but when they come in numbers it makes for a challenge trying not to hit my NPC's while trying to hit a headcrumb mob.

    Also while I have the floor, I'd also like to suggest a slight Gold Ore generation rate incease. I have spent more than 3 hours just hunting gold alone. Rose Gold is good, at a rate of 3 Rose - 2 Regular, but it is a point of friction when I'm spending more time grinding for one resource than anything else and the modpack is huge. Others may not agree with the increase but from a players point of view, excessive grinding with little reward isn't balanced in my opinion. AW2 alone takes close to a stack of gold just to get a SMALL group going and that was literally all I did yesterday. Just a suggestion.
  14. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    You can turn the Rose Gold into gold. You can also grow gold.

    Also i did not disable the feature, its how AW2 is. Headcrumbs are not hostile towards AW2. So AW2 are not hostile to them.
    As i said, Minecraft Comes Alive guards will attack them for you. You can have a guard follow you from any village.
    If i add headcrumbs to AW2, the fight will be one sided. Since Headcrumbs wont attack back.
  15. I_The_Sloth

    I_The_Sloth New Member

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    The NPC's run away from Headcrumbs so even having them around causes them to run and hide and be useless. AW2 is so specific that I don't see it being a real choice in mod use when the pack goes live. I have spent the last 2 days dealing with this mod and my conclusion is I am fed up and I am no longer testing it. One problem after another, after another, and the only useful thing I find is the gates/draw bridges. To be honest this was the only thing that made this modpack stand out and since I'm so sick of it already I'm probably done testing all together.

    I have removed myself from the testing pool and I am deleting this sad modpack off my computer.
  16. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    sorry you feel that way. Others seem to enjoy it.

    If you really feel AW2 should attack Headcrumbs, i will find a way to add it.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  17. GhostRiderrr

    GhostRiderrr Well-Known Member

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    Through testing tinkers weaponry and tools I have come across being able to swap tool parts without have a free modifier or it taking one you have already put on to the tool. The two ways we can fix this is by removing the materials (thaumium,paper,magic wood) from giving the extra modifier or we could just removing swapping tool parts all together. In my opinion, the extra modifiers from materials would be the better option to remove so you can upgrade tools you have been using since early game without losing the modifiers you've gained from leveling it. What is everyone else's opinion on this matter?
    Lawmonark likes this.
  18. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I will look into this in the morning. Good find.
  19. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    The creators of these 2 mods, need to work on compatibility with other mods is all. Contact them instead. It's really just a coding issue.
  20. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    @GhostRiderrr and i did some testing today.
    We were able to Command the AW2 soldiers to kill all mobs, even a Wither boss, but could not get them to attack headcrumbs. Im guessing, its because the mobs are "players". We also found we could not command our armies to fight each other.
    Tomorrow i will see if i can figure out a way to do it.
    elemage likes this.

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