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Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Lawmonark, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    4:55 AM
    Is there a Github ? Me and curse dont get allong
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    10:55 AM
    not yet. Maybe we can work that out @Krhymez
  3. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    10:55 AM
    If i add Logistics pipes, i would need to add buildcraft. Im trying to stay away from that.

    Refined Relocation does the Soring.
    Storage Drawers, Jabba, Iron chest does the storing
    Magnetic craft has warehouse storage item (kinda cool check video in op)
    *Think Bontania has a way to access inventories.[DOUBLEPOST=1449289504][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I am a noob with GitHub, i will need to read up on it and learn how to use it.[DOUBLEPOST=1449289948][/DOUBLEPOST]To my B-Team players. You may not know this, but im also trying to appeal to you with this pack.(look at the list)

    That being said, B-Team has Necromancy mod. I was tempted to adding it... BUT i already had Witchery. 1.7.10 wichery had Necromany, and i dont want to be too redundant with the mods. Do you think necromany mod is needed when wichery had
    I am adding Metallurgy Chisel for you... =P

    1.0.6 might be a few days away because i am adding BoP and need to redo the who ATG config to get it to work.I am removing all the "ugly" biomes.
    Also Minecraft Comes Alive is being tested, making sure it does not conflict with AW2, so far so good.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
    julio1237878 likes this.
  4. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    2:55 AM
    I could hug you right now hehe btw never new that you could place metallurgy ingots they look pretty awesome

    Btw in the topic of necromancy "if we are taking about the one you build a monster with other parts" i did't find anything interesting in the mod than just creating a thing that will mostly sit around
  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    10:55 AM
    Cool, i will leave that out then, since Necromancy is a cool playstyle from witchery, I hope when this launches.. a server has vampire/werewolf/witch clans.. Then tech player and weapon players clans...ect. Would be interesting. Been complmenting a protection mod like Territorial dealings. its kinda like Towny/faction combined.
    That being said i need to balance Power Suit mod and other armors. I kind of want to remove "creative" flight, the Flugal Tiara is cool since it has a time limit. But for Power suits i will disable the "Flight control" "auto feed" and maybe a few other modules. Also reduce the speed to bring in line it the sashes.
    I also want no god armors. If and when a server opens, i want only /set home... but no /home. The E-Mobile mod will handle teleporting to home, spawn and other players. This way if a war breaks out, players cant just mass /tp or get away with a command, they will need a Mobile phone.

    *The ingots on the floor is not Metallurgy, its Stacks on Stacks, a little gem i found.[DOUBLEPOST=1449296851][/DOUBLEPOST]@julio1237878

    As to your logisics pipes request.... what about RFTools?
    I need to read up on all the features. It seems to have storage similar to AE2.
    I also heard there is base protection using RF (not sure if true)

    Are you familar with this mod?
    If so how is it?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1449314623,1449296384][/DOUBLEPOST]This also looks like a mod I may add
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
  6. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    2:55 AM
    you can forget about logistic pipes since the drawers are there i really want to experiment with them but i don't really like much projectred transportation those pipes take a lot of dyes and are not as easy to adjust and i guess since there is soo many storage option i think we are fine

    now rftools i am not as familiar but ik a little bit when we talk about that protection those shields do protect but i don't know if there is a way to by pass those which could make a base indestructible and that is not good when you want others to be able to destroy bases when a war breaks out
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    10:55 AM
    I am not sure about the whole "destroying" bases yet. I found a way to make flans not destroy blocks. By doing that, players can invade but not ruin builds. With the Soul bound enchant, people can enchant their guns, armor and back packs, so if they die... nothing drops. We will have to see how it play out. I think i will start an alliance at the start of the map with anyone that want to be friends. To remain in the alliance you must be friendly towards others. But once you break the oath, my alliance will hunt you for "x" amount of time. Just enough to teach a lesson but not enough to be considered Grief... =P.

    I just uploaded 1.0.6, i am waiting to see if it gets approved.
    If it does, it is a major overhaul of the world gen. i removed ATG.... replaced it with RWG and BoP(edit biomes)
    Could you start up a world on it with "realistic" world type. See if there are any "Ugly" biomes. For the most part i think i cleaned it up.

    Think i need sleep soon, i have been non stop adjusting this pack..lol.

    Edit- 1.0.6 is up... was almost instant approved.
  8. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    2:55 AM
    hehe i will see if there is any ugly biomes you just take some rest
  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    10:55 AM
    Thing i need to test this version.

    Ancient Warfare 2
    • NPC Levels- should i raise them? Can they defend against an attacking player?
    • NPC base health and attack- raise?(based on players weapons and armor)
    Minecraft Comes Alive
    • NPC Health and Attack(same reason as above)
    • Is Story Progression too fast? NPC gets married, has kids..ect
    • Does it conflict with Ancient Warfare?(i could not find any reason why it would)
    World Generation (think this is good)
    • Make sure there are not doubles of ores (im 98% sure this is done)
    • Check for no double blocks(Granite, marble, limestone..ect)
    • Search for any "Ugly" biomes
    • Are loot bag drops balanced percent wise
    • Can Dynamic swords skills be gain too fast from bags/drops
    • Power Armor's armor rating, Is it too strong for Flan's (need to check on a server)
    • Is running/flying speeds from items too fast
    • Are creative flight items removed
    • Spice of Life too easy?
    • Weapon Case Loot Sword vs TiCon Swords (i did a test of this and found WCL was a little weaker)(Should The Crusher be really strong?)

    To disable Flan's destroying blocks type

    /teams explosions false
    /teams vehiclesBreakBlocks false

    In time i will need to test these settings
    Teams Tutorial - Flan's Mod
    Possibly have arenas and maps built for guns, witch, vampire...ect fights.
    julio1237878 likes this.
  10. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    5:55 AM
    PA does NOT protect 100% IIRC against flans, last i tested was in the latest crackpack version, so i do NOT know, as that was awhile ago
  11. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    10:55 AM
    I know its not 100% protection, but its current armor rating is 6 per piece. It should not be so strong that a sword user cant stand a chance or do any damage. Saying that i need to test Dynamic Sword Skill... the one that can knock off armor. Wondering if that should be allowed. Personally i think i like that feature. If you get to close to a maxed out sword user, he has a chance to knock off some armor... =P

    I also need to test the power usage, max weight...ect. I know it has a jet pack module, but i do not want to to be too powerful. I like the Flugal Tiara because it has a time limit on flight. Thats the reason i disabled the flight module from it. This pack should not have creative flight. For "fair" play.
  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    5:55 AM
    They do damage, if i recall correctly an AK47 ingame should do like 2 hearts per shot... the flight module? nah, just remove the flight helper module from the helmet and the chestplate doesn't give creative then, giving a "time limit" of how long can you press your spacebar before you fall, also, if you have witchery, werewolf form needs to get disabled, it's OP if you get it done right in PVP
  13. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    10:55 AM
    How bad is werewolf form? can it be combated?

    For PA, Jet Pack and glider still really fast?
    I would really like to balance out power armor.
    So you not Sonic speed running around.
  14. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    2:55 AM
    If i am correct werewolf "if you know how to use it" can be pretty good at pvp but ik witchery has the silver sword to do a good amount of damage to werewolf and since this pack offers a lot of weapons killing werewolf should not be a problem but let see what chugga has to say
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    5:55 AM
    yes, but it requires special armor that makes you weak to almost everything, silver swords do some damage, but unless you have sharp 5 on them the werewolf dies in nearly 50~~ hits, as you gain 3 bars of HP in wolfman form, and knock off armor, and are almost invincible to almost any other type of damage
  16. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    10:55 AM
    with Minecraft comes alive, see if witchery villagers are missing, or any other villagers that are "needed"
  17. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    yhea, that WILL be a problem is anyone wants to be a vampire, as they will not have a good source of blood other than a teammate
  18. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Need to see if they can drink from the modded NPC.
    Or the Mini Me from Open Blocks. Place a Golden Egg to hatch. If needed vanilla villagers can be added to Pam's Market. So you can buy eggs... if possible.

    Need to test many things, but i really need to get to sleep soon.
  19. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    5:55 AM
    it only works on mob that has villager tag, so any villager that is added from modded or vanilla, but has to be the big squidward nose type IIRC
  20. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    10:55 AM
    Can you test out witchery in the pack?
    See if you can live as a vampire.

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