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Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Lawmonark, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    3:46 PM
    TTK is the only one with any resistance that i know of to a rapier, annnnd people claimed it had complete back in 1.4 (i disproved this, harshly, *400+ damage in one shot*) and crossbows should be able to 1 hit all of these if done right, the main one i have a problem with is witchery vampire, really only killable by the sun, fire aspect, and werewolves, fire aspect could in theory be negated, the sun.... eh 120 seconds in the day ain't too much and werewolves just wreck everything
  2. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    8:46 PM
  3. Luphadir

    Luphadir Well-Known Member

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    Khrymez, were you still looking for a decent logo for your modpack?

    I usually don't do this for free, but you did and still doing such a good job that i made some time for you so design a concept.

    If you like it let me know with some feedback and ill take some time to finish it.



    copyrights Pas Reclame 2016
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  4. Schwip89

    Schwip89 New Member

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  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    This looks really clean. Only think i would change is the Target.
    Possibly add some color. But i like it.
  6. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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  7. Luphadir

    Luphadir Well-Known Member

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    yes John 100% my work with Illustrator CC
    its my occupation ;)
    Lawmonark likes this.
  8. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    7:46 PM
    Wow that's amazing I'm shocked
    Lawmonark likes this.
  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    8:46 PM
    I really do like it thought, i like how clean it looks.
  10. Luphadir

    Luphadir Well-Known Member

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    on a different note, any idea when you get permissions from FTB, MyM Launcher doesn't seem to agree with me i got a horrible connection
    everything delays by 60sec even chat. I want to go back to curse that was better for me.
    side note: can't be the distance since i am from the netherlands
  11. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    "soon" i got approved. I just need to work out the details with them about updates and Curse.
  12. Zartirian

    Zartirian Member

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    I think this makes the early-game a little too tedious, perhaps flint>iron, or stone>copper, 1 less step would be enough. The early game is hard enough having no /tpa or /home, random players killing you, mobs everywhere, and very little claim space. All of which are fine, I just find it all combined to be a little too discouraging for a new player.

    Also for new mods to be added, would you consider Logistics Pipes? It can be a nifty alternative to Applied Energistics, has a unique interaction with Storage Drawers that takes some learning and a good amount of resources, as of right now I only see 1 or 2 mass-storage systems.

    Gendustry is also a mod I miss heavily in this pack, if there is Genetics in the Pack, and Extra Bee's, then it would make sense for Gendustry to be here, maybe with some tweaks if you feel it is too overpowered.

    What about RFTools? I get it, the dimension building can cripple a server beyond belief, so just disable that part, the mod is so incredibly useful with even that gone, I wouldn't know where to start in listing its benefits.

    Are the Enderium tool parts disabled by intention? Or is the mod needing to be updated, I feel they should be in the pack because there isnt much incentive to keep using TiCon after you progress far enough into other mods such as Blood Magic (newly added), Botania, Thaumcraft, or others that I haven't looked at.

    Would adding Extra Planets (the addon for Galacticraft) be too server intensive? The original planets are great i'll admit, but this adds even more incentive to get out there and explore, without bogging down the Overworld as much with bases.

    I haven't looked too deep into the mods I don't know, so maybe I could be wrong here, but is there a decent mob spawning mechanic? Soul Shard's is on-par with Draconic Evolution's top tier spawner, but requires more work IMO, maybe disable the Tier 5 spawner in an attempt to reduce server lag? This could also create a more broad market demand.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  13. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Enderium and Singlarum were disabled because the are "too stronge", My testers decided on that.

    Also for early game, i made it better to use Silent Gems. You can go fishing.... make a fish pick.. then mine Iron,Tin,Copper,Gems with that pick. I buffed Silent Gems to make it the better starting mod. So you can make Iron Upgrade, then put it on a Silent Gems Flint Pick... That pick will mine up to redstone. From there you will want to get Chaos ore and Some gems to make a Super charged Pick. This these picks are now Manyullum+

    As to Logistics pipes, No. If i add that, then i must add Buildcraft. Which i dont want to.
    Last update i added Red Power Transportaion, which adds pipes.
  14. Zartirian

    Zartirian Member

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    2:46 PM
    Alright, fair enough. What about Gendustry though? If I recall, maybe 1 or 2 recipes need an Assembly Table from Buildcraft, which can be Minetweaked into something else, perhaps an Alloy smelter with the same materials and RF usage?
  15. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    3:46 PM
    Imo Gendustry makes Bees way to easy. Your supposed to gather enough bees then breed them. I think without Gendustry the mod actually take more than three hours.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  16. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Binnies mod is in the pack. Look for Genetics.
  17. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    3:46 PM
    Do you know any in depth documentation for binnies? I've been looking for ale recipes for awhile.
  18. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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  19. Luphadir

    Luphadir Well-Known Member

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    sorry guys, but i got to say that the 1.2.7. pack is bad!, i have even created a custom pack on curse and connected to the server. Again horrible connection everything with 30-60sec delay.

    The tossing in of 20 new new modpacks at once in my opinion was a bad choice, can we get a variation on 1.2.6 back that was excellent.

    Now the game is unplayable for me, and i have heard other ingame complains with the same issues, not everybody though, Ghost seems todo just fine.


    medion: 8Gb Ram
    windows 10 (64x)
    latests java instal (from today 12-01-16)
    nvidia g-force driver 1Gb

    same problems with other desktop

    medion: 4Gb Ram
    windows 8.1 (64x)
    latests java instal (from 2 months ago)
    nvidia g-force driver 1Gb
  20. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    8:46 PM
    Its not the pack, its an issues with a certain mod.
    I already pushed an update to 1.2.8, Just waiting on Slind/Will to update launcher/server.
    Dont worry, the issue should be resolved in a few hours.


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