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[CLOSED] New Departed Server - following the hype

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, May 23, 2015.

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  1. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    11:58 PM
    they arent allowed for a reason, in the twitch pre-release stream, they said that they removed all methods of flight, and even got the author of AoA to remove some available originally in AoA from the mod entirely
  2. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    4:58 AM
    Have to agree with alpha. They would defeat the whole boss fighting system and whatnot because if it's night time, you more or less can not die and therefore could go fight the hardest boss with a wooden sword if you really wanted to.
  3. metalim

    metalim Well-Known Member

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    5:58 AM
    Would like to be whitelisted.
    Joined MyM a year ago.
    Month ago got banned for couple days for the first time, "for griefing" on Regrowth.
  4. mine_killer14

    mine_killer14 New Member

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    1:58 PM
    there is still the botania form of flight as well as witchery broom stick.
  5. Notizbuch

    Notizbuch Owner of a Death Note

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    4:58 AM
    I really want to play this awesome Modpack. :)
    Please whitelist me, Ingame-Name: "Notizbuch"
  6. clank444

    clank444 Active Member

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    4:58 AM
    Hello, I want to join this server/project i am playing since TPPI and played also other packs. I would be pleased if you whitelist me. I dont have teamspeak and i will not be able to get it(private reasons).

    If you trust me my ingame name is:

    thx for reading this!
  7. Gamefreak

    Gamefreak Member

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    4:58 AM
    Hello i played really long on direwolf 1.7.10 and i would be really happy if you whitelist me :D
    ing: Gamefreak
  8. kirby_kiddd

    kirby_kiddd Well-Known Member

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    5:58 PM
    i wuld like to join the server i have over 24 hours of gametime on reqrowth
    IGN: kirby_kiddd
    my bad forgot im always on temspeak wen i play on MYM servers
  9. All_Mighty_POWA

    All_Mighty_POWA Well-Known Member

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    3:58 AM
    I'd like to be added to the whitelist :)
    I've been playing on MyM for years (since the CrackPack days) and even though I've had trouble with the rules once I don't think there is any reason not to trust me, plus I have TS and I can be active.
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    4:58 AM
  11. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    10:58 PM
    Good sir, I humble submit my request for consideration to be whitelisted
  12. fizzydog64

    fizzydog64 Well-Known Member

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    3:58 AM
    I'd love to be whitelisted if possible, I've been a player for quite a while and I'll be active on TS for sure. Always enjoy a bit of coop.

    IGN: fizzydog64 if you'd be kind enough to add me
  13. JamesHowell

    JamesHowell Well-Known Member

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    3:58 AM
    Hello, my name is James and i would like to receive whitelist access to the new server.

    Why should i be picked?
    I may still be learning how to play with advanced mods but I'm a fast learner, so far i have completed 2 HQM Based packs on the MyM network and am playing a DW20 Survival, its going well but I'm beginning to enter the 'End game' phase. I like the mid game the most, i enjoy a little hand mining but still having a quarry to suffice for my needs.
    I also have almost 5 days (120 hours) across servers on the network and have had no major rule breaking incidents except the occasional explicit vocabulary here and there but i try to avoid swearing when and where i can.

    How can i help the server?
    I enjoy working out complicated ways to automate things and commonly being a server based player i understand what causes TPS issues and i develop my systems to avoid using the things that kill the server.

    I would be more than happy to join a teamspeak server when people are online, i think it would be great to offer my help in mods that i currently understand and ask for expert advise tailored to my needs from other users.

    Views on whitelisting and how it will impact the server:
    I feel that given the staffing team are experienced and dedicated players they will pick the right players to be accepted, This could impact the server in multiple ways, the server could have less of a player base for making it a lonelier experience. but, on the flip side that would also improve TPS issues for the people online as chicken chunks only loads area when a user is online.

    To summerise, I believe that i should be added to the whitelist because i have proven myself to be a dedicated player and I am always willing to help others when they are unsure on what to do. I am also a rule abiding player and i cannot think of a major reason why i should be accepted.


    Last edited: May 31, 2015
  14. Bolivari

    Bolivari Well-Known Member

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    4:58 AM
    Can I be whitelisted? I've played on many MyM servers and want to contribute in any way I can.
  15. Dre4M

    Dre4M New Member

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    5:58 AM
    I would like to join this server even I'm not sure how much hours I have in MyM network, because I found this server recently.

    - I was playing in many whitelisted and not whitelisted servers.
    - Haven't been banned.
    - Polite and I can assure you that I follow every rule that's on the server.
    - Able to join Teamspeak, have microphone as well.
    - Adult, studying in university.

    I will understand if I won't be able to get in because I don't have enough play-time in this network. :)
  16. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Final Rules regarding PvP
    • The overworld (world you spawn and build in) is 100% PvE, you are not allowed to kill other players, loot corpses or take stuff that doesn't belong to you and is not world generated.
    • All other worlds including Nether, End and all the Worlds added from mods go with the following rules:
      • killing allowed
      • looting allowed
      • raiding* allowed
      • griefing* forbidden
    To sum it up, overworld is the save place, no PvP interaction at all. In all the other worlds you can kill players, loot their stuff, raid their stuff..

    *Difference between Raiding and Griefing In this case raiding means to steal stuff, e.g. take items from a chest while it does not include taking machines (only its inventory contents). Griefing is breaking things, like destroying a building, terraforming the surroundings, planting huge trees next to it, pouring liquids..
    BookerTheGeek and Chetwynd like this.
  17. Cynexus

    Cynexus New Member

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    8:58 PM
    • 24 hour playtime on the MyM Network without rule infractions
    Done ^_^​
    • Explain what you are allowed and not allowed to do in the Overworld compared to the other worlds.
    We (the server as a whole) are not allowed to infringe upon anyone else's gameplay, steal others items, or edit anyone elses doing in the Overworld. However, in the other worlds, we can kill others and take their things but we cannot edit any blocks placed by other players or inconvenience a players unless pertaining to PvP.​
    • are you up to joining us on teamspeak? (preferred)
    I am willing to give it a try.​
  18. Ses_Chaser

    Ses_Chaser New Member

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    8:58 PM
    I dont know if this will count, but I am a scientist on the MyM network but recently changed my name to my Youtube name
    (I am a small youtuber, and disliked the name I currently had which was: Mr_Trollable) but now is Ses_Chaser

    Explain (in your own words) what you are allowed and not allowed to do in the overworld compared to the other worlds.

    Overworld: Your not allowed to PVP, NOT allowed to raid/grief/steal. From ANY means.

    Other worlds: Your allowed to raid/grief/pvp and steal, if it happens, dont complain :p

    Difference between Raiding and Griefing?

    raiding is acquiring items by stealing them from the chest or machine they were in, Such as an unlocked chest, or unclaimed land. You can walk in, steal what you want, and walk out like nothing happened

    2. Griefing on the other hand is destroying a player's base, Such as removing item's, breaking the house down to nothing but few blocks left, Exploding the area, planting tree's all around, and placing lava/water all around so it can mess things up, breaking their nether portal, etc.
    Griefing is not so fun to other players ;n; (in my opinion) it takes the fun out of it, working so hard and then getting raided in just a matter of seconds ;n;

    Teamspeak: Sure I can use team speak, Skype, and curse voice if needed!
  19. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    I would like to remind players here that ewen if this server has whitelisted people, some of them do not care for the rules and will steal items from chests and buildings that are not theirs in the owerworld. So to prevent possible negative autcoms of grief and steal reports my suggest is that people use carperntners safes and hide their bases if possible.

    When i started to play on this server i thought whitelisted people would folow the rules, but ewen in 20 whitelisted people there is someone who will break them.

    I would rather play on a fresh map with no whitelist and raiding and griefing allowed than on one where you hope no one will break the current rules.
  20. Ses_Chaser

    Ses_Chaser New Member

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    8:58 PM
    yea but many people such as myself do not like griefing/pvp/raid :/ I like to have varity and learn new things, but constantly have to worry about being raided sucks...thats why I only do PVE servers while recording for youtube..because I can relax and have fun
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