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[CLOSED] New Departed Server - following the hype

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, May 23, 2015.

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  1. Sandian

    Sandian New Member

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    12:17 AM
    In the overworld, killing, looting, raiding, and griefing is not allowed (griefing is forbidden). I'd like to join!! My IGN is: Sandian
    I am actually in the TS right now, lol.
    mynameisAK likes this.
  2. ToeNooper

    ToeNooper Well-Known Member

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    11:17 PM
    Whitelist Please

    Griefing: Is when your self or more people target one person and you kill them over and take there items when your not meant to. Also it's when you destroy other people builds and take there items.

    Raiding: Is when you take things from a person or chests and other storage but you do not destroy things in the process.

    I use ts also.
  3. neronix17

    neronix17 Well-Known Member

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    I'd like to be whitelisted please
    • 24 hour playtime on the MyM Network without rule infractions, or apply with convincing us that you are to be trusted and understand the server setup/rules
      • Got that covered, 3 Days 16 Hours playtime, of which mostly on the Direwolf20 (Node 1) server, no rule infractions.
    • Explain (in your own words) what you are allowed and not allowed to do in the overworld compared to the other worlds.
      • Overworld is a safe haven, no killing/looting/raidng/etc other players, but with other worlds basically everything but griefing is allowed.
    • are you up to joining us on teamspeak? (preferred)
      • Of course, no microphone at the moment as my last one died and haven't gotten a replacement yet, but I can always reply in text in-game for now.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  5. Lexy2416

    Lexy2416 Well-Known Member

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    12:17 AM
    I'd like to be whitelisted please
    • 24 hour playtime on the MyM Network without rule infractions, or apply with convincing us that you are to be trusted and understand the server setup/rules
      • I have over 24 hours of playtime, although I have not been online lately. (Wanted to go ahead and get whitelisted so that I can possibly play when I get back)
    • Explain (in your own words) what you are allowed and not allowed to do in the overworld compared to the other worlds.
      • In the overworld you are safe from Grief, looting, raiding, etc, but in the other worlds these things are allowed, except griefing. No griefing what so ever.
    • Are you up to joining us on teamspeak? (preferred)
      • I'd love to join the teamspeak and chat with the community. I'm extremely quite and prefer to talk through text but more then likely will speak from time to time.

    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

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    i am at a loss .. i've been with MYM since way before you guys even had a launcher and have never been in trouble - yay .. !! But, i have been so busy with learning regrowth lately, this modpack kind of slipped by me. What is it specifically .. ?? Curious ..
  7. MintiPi

    MintiPi Well-Known Member

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    9:17 PM
    Whitelist please and thank you~

    • 24 hour playtime on the MyM Network without rule infractions, or apply with convincing us that you are to be trusted and understand the server setup/rules

    • Explain (in your own words) what you are allowed and not allowed to do in the overworld compared to the other worlds.
    • Basic MYM rules apply to overworld, No killing, griefing, stealing, or trapping.
    • Otherworlds allow such things except griefing which is considered destruction of bases or blocks in someones base.

    • are you up to joining us on teamspeak? (preferred)
    • Always~

    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

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    9:17 PM
    Just looked into this modpack this evening .. i have to say, this looks like a lot of fun.
  9. EvilScotsman

    EvilScotsman Well-Known Member

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    4:17 AM
    Has the server gone down? I've not been able to connect to it for a few hours now.
    Lorrainechicken likes this.
  10. mine_killer14

    mine_killer14 New Member

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    indeed it has. the admin know of the issue and are working on it. since it has been awhile since they have responded, i assume it is no simple matter.
  11. _Gh0st

    _Gh0st Well-Known Member

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    In the overworld, PVP, raiding, and looting corpses is not allowed. In all of the other worlds raiding looting corpses, and PVP is allowed. Griefing is not allowed on any worlds. You are not allowed to steal machines, break stuff, or make a mess of things. If you harvest crops you should always replant them. You should not travel through the world too quickly as it creates lag for the other players.

    I have 6 days and 19 hours playtime on the MyM Network and have Tier 4+ Donor rank. I have no rule infractions.

    I am a very friendly guy and will come into the Teamspeak but will not be able to voice chat until my new headset is delivered.

    The overworld is the 'safe' world of this mod pack. In the overworld PVP is disabled and stealing is not allowed.

    I will come on Teamspeak, but won't be able to voice chat until I get a new headset.

    I look forward to joining you guys on the New Departed Server ;)
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
  12. ElementOfFire101

    ElementOfFire101 New Member

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    4:17 AM
    Hello, I'd like to be added to the whitelist so that I could play with my friend (All_Mighty_POWA). We've been playing on the network for ages and I haven't gotten in any trouble since :p
    About the overworld, I am aware I cannot raid, grief nor kill any players, as it is strictly dedicated to PvE. So anything that's not world generated I must not take.
    About the other worlds everything Is allowed except griefing which includes taking machinery and blocks from other players.
    I also have TS.
    PS: sorry for not looking well at the requirements, I skipped the line telling us to explain the rules :<
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  13. CHRISRHODE2004

    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

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    9:17 PM
    i tried playing single player without the MYM community .. big mistake, it's not as fun. i would like to be white-listed. i have been with this server for like forever .. played with Horizons, Monster, B-team, Crash Landing, Sky Factory, Regrowth - you get the idea. i understand the rules --> NO GRIEFING whatsoever .. !! i am also one of those types that if i see a tree half chopped, i will finish the job so it doesn't look so ugly in the world - it's my OCD kicking in, what can i say ...

    .... i am now on teamspeak, yay .. FINALLY .. !!
  14. Kainyne

    Kainyne New Member

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    11:17 PM
    Hi, I would like to be whitelisted for this server please. my IGN is Kainyne

    raiding=taking items from inventories without damaging property

    griefing=destroying or damaging other peoples property

    I could sometimes join you on teamspeak but not everytime I play, as I am tending to my son and talking with him while I play.
  15. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    5:17 AM
  16. CHRISRHODE2004

    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

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    9:17 PM
    White-list PLEASE .. !!

    Playtime: 07d 05h 08m

    In the overworld .. and in any other worlds, you are NOT permitted to grief (destruction of stuff) whatsoever - this includes anything done to the terrain. With the exception of the overworld, you ARE allowed to raid (steal), loot, and kill in all other generated worlds.

    i have teamspeak 3 installed on my mac whilst i play MYM on my PC:

    i7 8 core, 4GB nvidia video card, and 16GB raptor RAM

    .... thank you for the "invite" opportunity ....
  17. lutheryu

    lutheryu New Member

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    10:17 PM
    Acc name: lutheryu
    White-list please, i haven't had playtime on this account for over 24 hours (i think i only have like 12 hours on this acc), but that is because my old account was hacked. It was jg1203, I have been here for a couple years, played ever since Horizon came out in beta.
    I have teamspeak 3 installed and I usually have it open when i play on MYM.
    In the overworld you cannot grief, kill or loot other players.
    In the other worlds, you still cannot grief, but can kill, loot and raid.
    Thank you!!!
  18. Lorrainechicken

    Lorrainechicken New Member

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    9:17 PM
    Hello! Is it me you're looking for? I would love to be whitelisted :U
    I hang out with EvilScotsman sometimes, (he's a massive nerd),
    the rules are basically no griefing and only pvp/etc (looting/raiding) on other worlds, not the overworld.

    <3 Lorrianechicken
  19. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    4:17 AM
  20. Ishjarta

    Ishjarta New Member

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    5:17 AM
    Request for Whitelist.
    I play over 24h on the network. What I'm allod/not allowed? I'm allowed to build outside others protection-zones, in all worlds, outside overworld , to kill everyone, to loot and to raiding everyones things. I'm not allowed to grief in every world, to spam or to flame
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2015
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