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[CLOSED] New Departed Server - following the hype

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, May 23, 2015.

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  1. Raxora20

    Raxora20 New Member

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    4:41 AM
    hey i want to play on the server.Name is Raxora20 i think i have 24h played on mym server's...

    Raiding is when you alone or with your friends stealing from others chests and/or me systems.
    Griefing is when you start and complete to destroy others houses.

    i have teamspeak but my headset broke just 2 days ago...<.<
  2. Karpfly

    Karpfly Well-Known Member

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    Hello, I would like to be whitelisted too, i think i have 24h.

    In overworld everything is safe(boring) from other players, so you cannot kill other player or steal their stuff, but in other dimensions you can do whatever you want except griefing.
    Raiding is when you go to someone base and "borrow" their items, without destroying ;)
    Griefing is when you destroy structures made by other players

    I can join teamspeak, but most time when im playing games, i speak with friends on skype so I can be less active on ts
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2015
  3. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    10:41 PM
    Please whitelist me :D This mod-pack looks REALLY awesome

    I've got like 8d+ time and no rule infractions as far as I know.

    In my eyes raiding is taking items causing the least damage possible. Breaking a few blocks here and there should be acceptable, and replacing them should be done if possible. Griefing is something like destroying a base simply for the sake of being vindictive, or harassing someone in any way.

    Raiding is allowed in all worlds except the over-world, griefing is allowed nowhere.

    I do not have problems joining teamspeak but I probably won't be very active in such as I am a co-admin on my friends teamspeak which is generally where we hang out.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2015
  4. wtffidy

    wtffidy Patron Tier 1

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    11:41 PM
    hi id like to be whitelisted, i have more then 24hrs im sure :p .
    Raiding is when u steal from chests/"inventories" of other players
    Griefing is when you destroy their hard work(building, machines, etc)

    the overworld is for PVE(attacking monsters,) as for the other dimensions/worlds are for PVP

    as for team speak i have no problem joining :) i'm not really a talkative person but i have a mic regardless :/
  5. Melami124

    Melami124 .

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    11:41 PM
    I'm applying for white list :)

    I have 8d active playtime
    In the other worlds you are allowed to raid bases (As in, take chest content, you're not allowed to destroy) and pvp against other players, in the overworld you're just not allowed to kill players nor steal any of their things.
    I do not have any problems on joining teamspeak. ;p
  6. shadowlord40

    shadowlord40 New Member

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    11:41 PM
    I would love to be whitelisted on this server. I have more than 24 hours played on the MyM network.

    Raiding is stealing from others without breaking anything (only taking contents of things like chests)

    Greifing is destroying builds or bases because you want to and for no other purpose.

    In the overworld you are not allowed to steal from anyone or PvP ( Overworld is PvE)

    I would be all for joining teamspeak with others!
  7. ImJinx

    ImJinx Well-Known Member

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    8:41 PM
    Please whitelist :)
    Been with MyM forever
    Raiding is stealing without being destructive
    Griefing is an act that ruins or harms builds or claims that aren't yours
    TeamSpeak I could join but if my mic sounds like a robot I'm sorry.
    Also Raiding/Killing/Looting is allowed in all other worlds that aren't the overworld since that's a safe zone.
  8. Toxidious

    Toxidious New Member

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    10:41 PM
    Applying for Whitelist.

    As of right now, I currently have around 13 hours game time and counting with no rule infractions.
    I am aware that I do not meet the 24 hour minimum, however I have not had a proper internet connection in approximately one year. I play with a small group of friends whom previously switched from Dark Trilogy to Infinity, and now want to switch to Departed. Due to my time away, I have not racked up as much play time as the others, however each one these group members can vouch that I have a full understanding of server rules as I have been playing Minecraft and other games with them for nearly a half decade.

    With a basic understanding of the rules for Departed, griefing is not allowed whatsoever, however raiding is allowed in all worlds except overworld. A fine line of definition between griefing and raiding however, as breaking any block is considered griefing, raiding on the otherhand is defined as "stealing" the contents of players storage, block gui, etc.
    Griefing and raiding aside, the overworld is completely PVE meaning anything that falls under PVP is not allowed except in other worlds such as Nether, End, etc.

    I use a private teamspeak with the group of friends that I mentioned above, however I have no problem with joining the MyM teamspeak if needed.
    Xyrik likes this.
  9. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    10:41 PM
    I can indeed vouch for Toxidious, he has been playing minecraft longer than I, and is very responsible about following rules.
  10. bigbluu722

    bigbluu722 Well-Known Member

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    I'd like to join this server.I have around 2 day and 6 hours of playtime total.
    I am NOT able to raid, pvp, grief, or steal from other players. Griefing is not allowed anywhere, but the nether and other worlds you are able to pvp, raid and loot other peoples things, but NOT grief.
    I can possibly be able to get onto the TeamSpeak Server.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
  11. Raxora20

    Raxora20 New Member

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    4:41 AM
    is there any support for the Whitelist?i dont think so...
  12. gamewiz93

    gamewiz93 Well-Known Member

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    This is my application to get whitelisted.

    I've been on and off MyM for over a year now and some if my friends play Departed so I figured it would be worth giving it a go.

    • Griefing is the act of ruining/destroying a persons build.
    • Raiding is the act of stealing without using destructive methods.

    I do use teamspeak already and will continue to do so.
  13. il0v3tweakS

    il0v3tweakS Miner.

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    Well, I haven't played for a while. I'd like to try this pack. I'm pretty peaceful, and I belive that we are not allowed to grief, raid or chill on other player's claims., in the overworld

    Griefing represents a way of destroying other player's builds. Raiding means that you only get the loot from a player's base.

    I have a microphone but I won't join TS because I'm a bit shy and my english is not perfect. Once i accomodate, I'll probably join you guys.
  14. NKD_MoLe

    NKD_MoLe Well-Known Member

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    - Griefing someone means that you destroy their creations in any way, this includes breaking only a single block.
    - Raiding someone means that you loot or steal items without breaking anything and therefore leaving any creations unharmed.

    - I have a mic and I'll join in on teamspeak whenever I get the chance to do so.

    hoping for access - MoLe !
  15. ShadowWolf_Beast

    ShadowWolf_Beast New Member

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    I have over 50 hours of playtime on MyM. I plan on doing the TeamSpeak. The overworld is 100% PvE so no raiding(Stealing ones items) Or griefing(Breaking ones blocks). But in all other dimensions you may PvP(And raid, but you can't grief) I can't wait to PvP with different armor and all the new unique weapons! (If you didn't notice I would like a white-list;))
    My IGN : ShadowWolf_Beast
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2015
  16. Socx

    Socx Well-Known Member

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    I would love to join the serverI played alot of hours on the servers, The reason why i play on these servers is because I love the lag free servers all the other modpack servers lag, I like how u guys have the other worlds for PVP and can take there lot if u kill them in the other worlds I like How u guys have it whitelisted so u can have a nice friendly community and I have teamspeak And i can have it open all day when playing on the server. I love gamming servers that are lag free. I have 4 days played on the server i play aon alot of your guyses server, And i would love to play on this 1

    And message me if im whitelisted

    IGN DeathYT
  17. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Dont know if this counts for anything. But as soon as i logged on to Galactic Science he asked me to check his application,
  18. TheJFeld

    TheJFeld New Member

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    IGN: TheJFeld. I'm a dedicated player, who follows the rules. I understand that there is not griefing, only raiding and looting (not in Overworld), and that PvP is only in other dimensions. I've been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.6, and am experienced. I DO use Teamspeak, and would happily join. I understand all the rules and will abide by them. Thank you for considering me, and I hope I'm accepted.
  19. Jaxxked

    Jaxxked New Member

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    10:41 PM
    May I join? I think I've played for 24 hours on the server..

    In the overworld you can create your own things and be a kind person and not harm any other player or take their items.. in the other worlds pvp is allowed and so is raiding, so you can take chest items.. but no braking their hard built buildings.

    And finally, I've never been on teamspeak nor do I have a headset but it sounds coolio I might get a headset soon, just figuring out which one I should inquire..
  20. ShadowWolf_Beast

    ShadowWolf_Beast New Member

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    11:41 PM
    Trying to not be mad... Beds dont set your spawn? I've been playing for like 3 hours traveling, mining. I went to suicide myself against tons of mobs I slept in a bed and I am set back to the other spawn point!! May I ask, is your spawn not going to be set with the /sethome plugin? Or any way to set your spawn would be nice.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2015
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