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[CLOSED] New Departed Server - following the hype

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, May 23, 2015.

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  1. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    10:14 AM
    My IGN is WikidSick
    My playtime total is like 12 days
    I have TS
    Greifing: Destroying other guys stuff
    Raiding: Stealing stuff
    And havent been banned or stolen anything
  2. KillMeNowPlz3

    KillMeNowPlz3 Well-Known Member

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    4:14 AM
    I would like to try out this sever and i play with mods everyday so i know what i can do and what not to do. Thanks for takeing the time to read this and i hope i get in with my friends.
  3. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    10:14 AM
    Hi Thedesertfox101 the jerk on infinix
    Really you were a total jerk to me
  4. caboth

    caboth Well-Known Member

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    4:14 AM
    Can I get whitelisted? Maybe I won't crash this server.
    Don't really do teamspeak.
  5. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Icy's Slightly Tentative Whitelist Request

    Basically what it says on the tin ;3

    I have ~a few weeks (I think) total playtime on MyM, with nearly 2 days since the playtimes reset, and I will be able to join teamspeak, although I may not speak much. I am also pretty good at finding potential exploits, as @caithleen will know from my Galactic Science testing.
  6. Thurrunn

    Thurrunn Well-Known Member

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    9:14 AM
    Being casual here now.
    Raiding = being with more people, killing bosses and progressing through the dungeon, whenever a boss is killed you have a chance to get epic loot!
    Griefing is knocking at the door of your neighbour, if you see him, you wait normally, if he's not home, you break the door, all his belongings, you might even grab the whole house!

    Anyways none of those mentioned are allowed on any of our servers.
  7. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Hey, I'd like to be whitelisted for Departed please
    Ontime: 5d
    Griefing/Raiding = Do I really need to answer this?;)

    Griefing is a form of destruction and chaos, meaning you do whatever you please, whether it's destroying their base, stealing their items and casually making a mess to someone else's work.

    Raiding is a form of mini griefing, where you would raid another persons base, without generally destroying their things.

    TS = Of course, I'm on nearly everyday all day if I can be, and I'll be looking forward to interacting with the other players that are currently playing Departed :)
  8. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    I would Like to be whitelisted on this wonderful idea of a server,
    • Raiding: Aquiring items from other peoples bases without destroying it so it looks like it just vanished, very sneaky :)
    • Griefing: destroying a fair persons work and trolling them
    I hope You will accept this comment and add me to the whitelist, hope you have a wonderful day! :D
    Time ive been on: over 1 day easily (I have necromancer rank)
    Haven't been banned :)
    And My IGN is roobarb2 as usual <3
    Last edited: May 26, 2015
  9. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    I would love to be whitelisted for new experience

    .Raiding taking other peoples stuff with out their permission
    .Griefing destroying others people builds

    Can't wait to get on the server to use some of the little free time i got atm :D
    EndavorGaming likes this.
  10. EndavorGaming

    EndavorGaming Ye Coffee Gamer <3

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    Hehe, yay! Hopefully you will enjoy the server ^.^
    julio1237878 likes this.
  11. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    Really enjoiying the challenge of this server. can't wait for it to go live. I am assuming a wipe when it does.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    What gives you this idea? And the server is live, its just whitelisted.
  13. Meriju

    Meriju New Member

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    hi, i would want to get whitelisted, i can join teamspeak, i played over 24 hours on the regrowth server. im from Argentina
  14. TheFlash787

    TheFlash787 New Member

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    Please can i be white-listed on the server as i love just helping people with their problems and generally surviving

    Raiding: Sneakily taking things and leaving bases untouched, or looting bosses and retrieving items
    Griefing: Taking items from other people and destroying their base and also just being horrible to people by destroying their work.

    My IGN: TheFlash787
    Have a nice day :)
  15. 19e8

    19e8 Well-Known Member

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    Can i get listed?
    IGM: ThePixelManiac
  16. piggyman42

    piggyman42 New Member

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    Whitelist Application
    I have not had any previous playtime on any of your servers because I did not really like any of the other modpacks, so in order to apply, I have decided to try and earn your trust instead.
    I understand that this is a Non-Raiding/PVP server and that the rules are to be followed no matter what, I may be unable to recite every single rule, however I am able enough to use common sense.
    I will be playing with Jun_ and some other friends, they have recommended me this server and I would be glad to join the community.
    I am able to use teamspeak no problem, I own a microphone so I can respond in either way, voice and text.
    Also I understand that I should travel slowly because this was an issue on a lot of the server I used to play on, people always never understood this and ruined the experience of other's gameplay.
    I hope to be accepted into the community and I also hope I will have the pleasure of meeting you all soon enough.
  17. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    9:14 AM
    Could i get whitelisted please?

    raiding = you take what is not yours.. aka steal someones stuff
    griefing = you destroy what is not yours.. aka destruction of others property

    TS = yes i do:)
  18. nap1992

    nap1992 New Member

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    Can a Admin+ confirm the rules on here please. Pvp allowed yes or no? Looting the bodies allowed yes or no?
  19. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    Whitelist please!!!

    I have no rule infractions.
    My IGN is YourMCGeek
    I am able to use TeamSpeak!

    Raiding means to steal something
    Griefing means to destroy other peoples creations and builds
  20. Verigen26

    Verigen26 New Member

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    I haven't a lot of time on your network, I only just registered and have only briefly logged in on one of the open agrarian skies servers a long while back. However your group of players seems to be rather stable as I've seen several posts/adds in the past for a multitude of different mods and the servers seem to be rather stable as well so I'd like to try my dice here if I could be welcomed to do so. I usually play with one other friend on a server on my PC with the game running as well (yes it lags but with just the two of us it's not been that bad) and am not used to crowded environments. That being said this mod-pack is brutal and I'd love a chance to be on a server with others to glean info off of and/or team up with if at all possible. I work weekends and have a child so spontaneous afk's and next to zero weekend play would probably be the norm if I am accepted.

    My IGN is Verigen26
    I can use TS but not knowing anyone there might be a bit of a roadblock. I'll probably lurk for a while.

    I'm guessing there was something more that was edited out of the initial post...
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