Case is a corsair 900d Psu is 1500, also corsair Watercooling is a custom built setup from multitude of vendors Mechanical keyboard and wired mouse hard drives, oh yeah. WD 500gb velocairaptor for the C: WD 1TB black for /Windows, /programs and /program(86) each 500gb ssd for %appdata% 5tb raid 1/0 for user documents Insane setup, but fun. Dual layer blue ray burner ASTRO A50 wireless headset Have not picked out a monitor yet.
desktops are WAY better than laptops in almost ALL situations, and i AGREE with that, which is why, you should, almost ALWAYS go with custom built desktops with towers and the like
Than I can't help. Color depth and a colorfastness(calibrated) is main thing I care about and have some knowledge. Any ways pretty cheap, great colors and a good design Dell U2414H. Also low latence and good contrast. If you need multiple the edge is as small as possible. I never found a site taking screens more apart in English or German than PRAD | Kaufberatung
With a good (over powered) setup I'm pretty sure that fps would not be a problem. What would you suggest video card and monitor wise if you had say 1k to play with?
The 680 linked in the 1800 spoiler. Google the name and you will know why. As monitor the linked one twice or an Eizo/NEC with modern ISP panel but that would probably be at the limit of 1k. Which game would you like to play with +60 fps? BTW google "IPS panel" to educateyour self. Most people care less about fps than IPS panel afterwards. Also prad is a great portal with indepth tests about anything if you really like to learn more. Unfortunately I its the only one with this quality of reports I know and in German, so if translator does a bad job .
I'll look into all of it after work. If need be I'll learn German. I really only play minecraft, wow and eve.
Then I would shit about fps and go with a good IPS panel. Its like winter turning into spring but without comparison distance you might not notice. I once bought an under priced NEC 16:10 24" and am happy with it through only having 75hz and a medium latency. (The price increased by 1/3 and I could sell it for the buy price now.) My brother has the noted dell twice. For its price it is the best I ever saw. You also don't need to calibrate it as it was done in production and didn't change for a year yet. (I got a 300 bugs calibration tool for my NEC. Normally you recalibrate twice a year. Within the first year the calibration tool + software only did minimal changes on my brothers screens.)
Well that escalated quickly.[DOUBLEPOST=1423945780,1423945431][/DOUBLEPOST] Well, i would at least want to be able to play BF4 at ultra settings at nothing lower than 60 fps.
Forget all notebooks. That's impossible. Read up some reviews about the 680 from the 1800 spoiler and don't go above 1080p/1440p with the monitor for stable fps with bf3/bf4/hardline
Color fastness - true color - calibrated monitor - So when you see a picture printed from a calibrated printer the colors look the same. When you watch a movie the colors look like in the movie studio... Same with games
Do you have basic technical skills. It is not more complicated than a IKEA shelf (does IKEA exist in the US?) and there are plenty of guides on top of the product manuals. Edit: as alternative local news/ad papers often include tech service ads from students for around 50 bugs in terms of building it together.
I have the "basic technical skill's but truthfully, i feel i might mess up with something like this.(Yes we have IKEA)
I edited the pre post. Today all parts besides tower power, reset and control light have false safe connectors. Mixing the ones from the tower shouldn't break anything besides the buttons not doing what they are ment for. E.g. power on reset button.. False safe - they only fit at the right counter connector.
Ah okay, i guess i might test my skills and try to make the 1200. Now i just need to buy the parts, Is their anything not listed that i will need?
Housing, drive and CPU cooler is below. The only tricky part is the additional CPU cooler. You can start without it (boxed CPU edition contains a simple one. The 1231 isn't good for overlooking anyways and with a silenced housing the boxed one shouldn't be noisy. You can get a good CPU cooler any time later. If you do, don't forget the thermal compound and don't spare money here. You can find many recommendations for thermal compound online. The drive might not be needed, too. Especially if you have an external already.
Hmm. I guess win 8 home is enough. You can get cheap ones (from mass boughts) on amazon. In Germany this resell was declared legal, no idea about the US.