Computer suggestion?

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by bobthepig2, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I'ts a German company known for their high quality power supplies. Good possible that they only ship in the EU. They are so high rated here that I never looked into any other power supply company. The problem here is, that this is the heart of your computer. It can destroy all computer parts on defect.
    I just checked.,, and do ship them in the us. I really don't know a good alternative from experience :(
    I heard good things about thermaltake but never used them.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  3. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    I'll look into thermaltake.[DOUBLEPOST=1423958049,1423958004][/DOUBLEPOST]Updated list, still is missing a few things System Build - PCPartPicker[DOUBLEPOST=1423958085][/DOUBLEPOST]Also u can edit the list if u see something wrong[DOUBLEPOST=1423958368][/DOUBLEPOST]Also with the stock cpu cooler that comes with the Intel Xeon Processor E3-1231V3B 3.4 4 LGA 1150 (BX80646E31231V3) will that do?
  4. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I used a 64GB SSD before, that is no fun. Get a 128GB at least. There is also a reason why I did list the crucial mx, there huge differences in the life time and read/write speed of those.
    Also be aware that a ssd gets slow if it is too full. So always keep quite some space free.
    So I would suggest:
    1. remove the network adapter, the mainboard has a 1gbit
    2. replace the ssd with a crucial mx-100 128/256 or as the 128 is quite slow on write tasks a samsung evo 120GB (I use the samsung evo 500)
    3. do you need blueray? (if not or unsure consider: SH-224DB/BEBE)
    4. if you like low latency, colors and a proper foot invest more, it is really worth it. Save money with the cpu cooler. You will have more from a good monitor than from a cpu cooler. 860-BBCW/860-BBCV
    You could save:
    1. network adapter (not needed, internal one is faster)
    2. cpu cooler and thermal paste (boxed cpu is enough)
    3. the mouse seems overpriced (I never had a +60 bucks mouse lasting longer than 3 years.) do you really need the keys on the side. Did you ever use such a mouse? Did you visit a store and compare all the different models. The most important part is the feeling (in my opinion) I use the razer imperator as the is this one fits my hand and use case/style the best.

    Are you aware?
    1. mechanical keyboards are available with different switches. different behavior. CHERRY - MX Technology

    I used to calculate the prices with geizhals + 8%, amazons and newagg seem to be around 3-12% more expensive than the shops I mainly use.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2015
  6. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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  7. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Does that include shipping? Every time I order from outside the US I get raped in the shipping.
  8. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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  9. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    So this is what I have come up with... This

    Explanation for a couple parts.
    • CPU
      • Highest clocked 2011-v3
    • PSU
      • Go big or go home
    • OS
      • I cant math
    • Monitor
      • This is based off of your recommendation slind. It was either that or This or This one.
    • Sound Card
      • Will work well with my headset as no motherboard has dual optical jacks

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2015
    DarkEffort likes this.
  10. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    " Intel Core i7-5930K 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor does not include a stock CPU cooler. Adding a CPU Cooler to your part list is recommended."Also 64 gigs of RAM? talk about overkill. Also your power supply is also overkill 1500W! if you look in the corner of the list it estmates your wattage. Yours ony uses 491W so i would change your supply to 600W. Do u plan on overclocking?[DOUBLEPOST=1424035338,1424010765][/DOUBLEPOST]Alright Heres the link to the final part list, tell me if i chose a wrong part or you have a better one.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2015
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    If you don't want to overlock yes, if you want to no.

    Not directly. It also depends on the model there 680 with far less power than the linked one. But it is the bottleneck in most gaming setups and 40-50% of the entire computer price in many cases.

    oO, didn't know you want to invest so much. You are aware that those are huge. So you kinda need some space on your table maybe even 2 as you are not a graphic designing on it, I guess => want to see the full picture. (especially with fps (first person shooter) games) I'm not sure if I could deal with such a big screen, I hope you can :) Be advised that with the 4k resolution you won't be able to run games like bf4, ac, batman... with high settings. In case you plan to use windows up-scaling be aware that most programs don't support it and get blurry fonts or even destroyed interfaces. e.g. Skype
    In case you wonder, this is the screen I have: PRAD | Review Monitor NEC PA241W Got it for 500€, now its at 780€

    I'm not a fan of gaming hardware. I do prefer to go with the professional lines. In this case a top of the art studio or entertainment headphone with an additional mic (e.g. modmic) and an external sound interface as sound card.
    The advantage is:
    • huge amount of headphones to top prices and robust (They all sound different, it really depends on what you like. I did listen to last three listed once for a few hours and to the final 2 ones for a few days.)
      • open
        • Sennheiser HD600
        • Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro
        • AKG K601
        • --
        • AKG K701
        • Beyerdynamic DT880
        • Sennheiser HD650
      • closed
        • sorry, I never looked into those. But I guess you have a hightech shop near where you can go to, to spend a few hours listening to different models and get good recommendations on closed once. Some of the open models I listed are available as closed ones, too. They cost around 1/5 more and the sound is not as spatial as with the open ones.
    • you can use them not only for gaming. with a mic that can be removed or even a large membrane you can simply take it everywhere in public, you only need to be careful about the ohm, as +250 is too much for mobile players. If mobile players are a focus I would not even go with 250, although it is fine for me, it is limited and with another mobile phone it might not be fun. (32 ohm is normal for mobile usage)
    • you have an entire interface, not only a sound card.
      • hardware controls.
      • all you need in case you get a large membrane some time (I did buy one just for sound and 1 1/2 years later I was glad I didn't wasted money when I got a large membrane)
    As sound card/interface focusrite has award winning cheap interfaces for as low as 100-180 bucks. e.g. Scarlett 2i2
    I use the DT880. My brother has the Custom One Pro (with a modmic, sounds better than the build in somehow)

    Edit: did read it wrong. Thought the headset was on the list, sorry.

    RAM if you want to throw out money to ram, consider: Corsair D. Platinium 16/32/64 GB DDR4-2666 (as stated above don't fully stack the board) I don't think you will ever need more than 16GB :D
    I would recommend to push this over to an Intel Core i7-5960X.

    Power Supply I know the one you picked is beyond competition. But 1500Watt isn't needed for 1 GPU. That would be a 3/4 SLI requirement. (In case you might want to add a dedicated physix card, even than 1000Watt would be overkill)

    Casing with these parts most people go towards overlocking and water cooling with lian li cases.

    SSD is it intended that there is no ssd in the setup? 512GB SSD with 4k iops would be cheap compared to the other parts

    GPU couldn't find proper benchmarks for the EVGA. So that's kinda all I could get: (It's not the ftw. So I guess they are at around the same. I would go with the cheaper one, I guess you go with the better name?) Edit: just came across this:
    Edit: according to the tomshardware test the evga ftw is slower as even the classified and K|NGP|N is marginal slower.

    OS which win 7 ultimate feature do you need?

    CPU-cooler you can overlock the 5960 to up to 4.2ghz with air cooling and 4.5 with water according to test setups (in production probably 4 and 4.3 ghz)
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015

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